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08-02-13, 10:18

I've got the this flu like virus according to my GP.

It started in my throat, had a lump, loads of saliva and mucus etc, then my cough got worse and worse, very bad indeed, that seems to have gone better although now my chest aches like hell but i know thats through the coughing, my chest feels a bit weird and wheezy eyc but now my stomach is all weird, like pains in my stomach muscles and it just feels likes the aftermath of being punched in the stomach, that horrible acidy, stomach achy, kinda feeling.

Is this stomach thing normal? is it normal part of this flu virus thing?

I stupidly googled symptoms of flu and read x amount of people die of flu each year :( am getting paranoid now, urghhhhhh


08-02-13, 10:32
Your stomach muscles will be aching with al the coughing. Sometimes cough medicines can upset your stomach as well. I hope you feel better soon.

08-02-13, 10:42
Hi there

I think we all know the pitfalls of google. Modern technology is great but it also feeds the fear of the vulnerable. I'd love to be able to say I don't do it anymore but that would be a lie!

Viruses can do some pretty horrible things to us. You don't say how long you've had it but it's not uncommon to take a few weeks to get it out of your system depending on what it is. I don't know about you but I'm really impatient to get better whenever I've been I'll. I'm really good at telling others to take time to fully recover etc but not so good at taking my own advice.

The pains in your stomach muscles could also be from all the coughing and the acid feeling either from not eating properly while you've been ill or acid reflux caused by stress.

Don't look up anything else about flu. Yes people can die but very rarely and then generally only those with other underlying health problems. I think you can be certain that you don't have the dangerous strain of flu because if you did you would be so ill you wouldn't be able to even think about posting on here.

Go back to you doctor if it doesn't get any better but I'm sre you will be fine.

Take care


08-02-13, 10:43
Hi Bubblegum, flu is horrible. It really does seem to hang on at times, and it certainly does seem to make all parts of the body ache. The stomach pain I had was the same as you describe and it was literally from all the coughing and also the cough medicine I had taken to counteract the coughing fits.

The thing with flu being viral means that it can literally make anything hurt or feel uncomfortable, which isn't good for HA sufferers at all, but the reassuring thing is that as one part starts to improve you know that your body is starting to defeat the virus, it can sometimes take a couple of weeks to get over or longer sometimes, it can also make you feel tired and sluggish for some time after too, so please don't panic if you feel that way.

Yes people do die of fly, but and its a very big BUT it tends to be the elderly and people who are already very, very sick. The doctor seems happy with how you are progressing if there was any concern then he would have said so.

Hope you feel better soon, keep warm and continue to drink plenty of fluids.

08-02-13, 10:45
The pains in your stomach are most likely an upset stomach which you can get with flu and also the fact that you've been coughing - your diaphragm and all the muscles related, with most likely hurt.

You just need to keep your fluids up and rest, you'll be over it before you know it :). As mentioned above - if you have serious flu - you would know, trust me. I couldn't even move out of bed, I really really ill for a couple of weeks, it was horrible.

08-02-13, 10:54
Thank you all so much ^_^

I try really hard not look anything up on google, i thought searching for symptoms of flu would be safe, how wrong i was!

All of what you all said seems to make sense, i have been coughing an awful lot, really bad and i do have acid reflux too so it probably is just that. I just wish i could tell myself these things before getting into a panic about it, but i guess thats why they call it health anxiety.

I'm gonna get a lemsip in a mo and keep drinking plenty.

thankyou all so much

19-03-13, 20:32
I've had a cold and I have been getting tummy pains too...its has worried me. My cold has just about gone but still my tummy aches. Varies from throat end to bowel end. I feel quite sick with it too. Wondered if it was phlemn still in the stomach or just part of the virus or the fact I am worrying about it!