View Full Version : Optician has referred me to hospital!...Failed visual field test!

08-02-13, 11:00

I went for an eye test last week (I hadn't been for 10 years) and as the title says she's referred me to the hospital!

She said my eyesight is fine and just prescribed me some glasses with a very slight prescription to use if my eyes get tired when reading or using the pc etc. I was told the optic disc appearance looks healthy and my eye pressure is normal and the same in both eyes!

I did the visual field test and failed it twice with my left eye (I passed it with the right eye). I do have a lesion on the back of my left eye which I've had since I was a child (20+ years ago)...I was referred to the hospital at the time and was discharged and told it was nothing! At my eye test 10 years ago the lesion was still there but the optician can't have been concerned about it because he hardly mentioned it...Anyway the reason for the referral this time is to look at the lesion and to do a reassessment of the visual field test....She's also wrote that the visual field defect doesn't fully correspond with the lesion!

I'm worried sick! I've always suffered with health anxiety and don't cope very well at all in situations like this! It seems like all I've done since I came back from the eye test is Google and nothing that I've read has eased my mind at all! I've been doing online visual field tests and the results from them seem to be getting worse...My anxiety's through the roof!

I did call the opticians and spoke to one who didn't do my eye test (the one who did is a locum) she said she'd read through my notes and has told me not to worry! She said a brain tumour would show a defect in both eyes! She said if I had MS then my eyes would hurt if I move them around and also that red things wouldn't look so red with one eye. I asked about eye cancer and she said "It could be but that would cause my eyes to have different pressure in them and mine were the same and that the lesion would've looked different to what it does!".....So if there's nothing to worry about, why are they sending me for further tests!! I'm an absolute nervous wreck and when I'm not sitting here crying, I'm sitting here Googling, which I know is probably the worst thing to do!

Have any of you ever had or know anyone who's ever had these problems? Any help would be appreciated....Thanks for reading!

08-02-13, 11:06
Please try not to worry (difficult I know).

I worked in opticians for over 10 years and I can tell you that if the optician though it was something serious she would have arranged for you to go to the hospital straight away.

I have seen a few patients sent to the hospital the same day. My mum & dads friend went for a sight test last year and he had very bad pressure in one of his eyes due to glaucoma and they sent him straight down.


08-02-13, 11:47
Thanks Ruby and you're right it's very difficult!

I'm thinking allsorts...I'm wondering if with the optician being a locum did she not see something what the regular optician would've seen! Could they have seen if the lesion is something serious just by looking at the back of my eye through the thing (I don't know what it's called) Do a lot of people have these visual field defects and can they be 'nothing'? Google seems to be telling me that the field defects are always something bad!

My hospital appointments on the 26th of February which is only 4 weeks after my eye test so I'm worrying about that as well because the referral seems to have gone through quite quickly!

Thanks again for replying....:)

08-02-13, 12:00
Different doctors perceive things differently. If this doctor had never seen you before, they're probably trying to be cautious, thinking "Well, I don't know FOR SURE that there are no changes, so I better not risk it." Since they didn't seem that concerned, I don't think you need to be.

08-02-13, 16:08
Thanks Molly...The Optician hasn't seen me before so hopefully you're right! I'm trying not to worry but its so hard.

08-02-13, 21:22
I do think most serious eye problems, are viable as in the Optician would be able to see it, was that your first time doing the visual field test? it might have been something you always had.

worrying isn't going to help anything and you can't diagnose your self, and google is just adding to your anxiety.

It's a good thing you'll be getting a full eye check up, that way if anything might be off they can fix it : ) but again your vision is perfect except for the visual field test, so it more than likely won't be anything bad.

see even the Optician you spoke to on the phone, said things would be ok : ) They see this stuff all the time and have years of experience with all sorts of eye issues.

They are sending you for tests to make sure everything is ok. you failed the visual field test and they need to make extra sure it was simply due to the lesion in your eye and nothing else.

I've been sent to hospital twice by my doctor due to my heart beating funny just to make sure it wasn't anything serious, and it wasn't! So be happy they are taking such good care of you and are wanting to make sure your eyes are healthy.
And they didn't send you right away! My doctor sent me right away lol I thought something serous was wrong and got all worked up up nothing.

07-03-13, 12:44

I just thought I'd update incase anyone else has something similar! I went to my hospital appointment and was told that I've probably had the visual field defect since I was born because the eye lesion was caused by Toxoplasmosis which my mother must have picked up when she was pregnant with me....Google never told me that was a possibility, it only told me the worst case scenarios!

After the consultant told me this I cried with relief because I'd absolutely convinced myself that it was something sinister!...The mind (and Google) play very nasty tricks on us sometimes! I've told myself I'm never going to worry like that again but I know I will...I hate anxiety!

07-03-13, 13:07
Great news, Nadine. I can imagine your relief! Its good to know the optician was just being thorough but it must have been a worrying time. I am the worst Googler, so I know how it made you feel.

Thanks for updating us all xx

07-03-13, 21:09
Hi nadine02

I'm going through something similar.. I woke up blind in my left eye, They sight returned after 5 minutes but I seen my optician same day and I failed the field of vision test on my left eye. So he told me to see my doctor who just said if I go blind again comeback.

Will that p***** me off, But I held back and went and seen the head doctor who told me that my doctor should not have said that and he sent me for another field of vision test and now I have to see the eye specialist team at my nearest major hospital.. Next week.
So hopefully find out what caused it and also I have a blind spot in the same eye.

Btw fishboy i had a look at the online version what a strange thing that was lol

14-03-13, 20:21
Thanks Sarah and Fishboy :)

Hi xtremx...It's a worry isn't it! (everythings a bloody worry lol) Have you been for your appointment now? If so, how did you go on??

About the online visual field test, I was obsessed with doing that between my eye test at the opticians and my hospital appointment! It's such a hard test but I must say that the points I missed on the online test were the exact same one's as at the opticians/hospital so it must be pretty accurate!

14-03-13, 21:10
Hi nadine02

My appointment is tomorrow morning.. I'm dreading it but at the same time I pleased it is now here.

Maybe get some answers... I had a field of vision test done for this appointment so hopefully I will get the results from that..

I will let you know how I get on.


14-03-13, 21:19
Hello again, I just wrote to you on your other post :) I know exactly what you mean because I was the same....Dreading it but didn't want to wait any longer!

Best of luck! Try not to worry!

14-03-13, 22:20
Thanks nadine02

I'm sure I have spoken to you on another thread :D