View Full Version : Keep Needing to Urinate!

08-02-13, 11:38
Since before I went to bed last night I've not been able to stop going to the toilet... I woke up 4 times in the middle of the night, and have been going pretty much hourly since! My urine was tested for diabetes a couple of weeks ago and given the all-clear, but be lying if I said I'm not panicking about it being either that or some sort of drastic kidney problem... I don't have any other symptoms (other than a bit of a dry mouth) but still panic panic panic, because that's why I'm here :doh:

Frank TJ
08-02-13, 12:40
I had something similar, needing to urinate at night. Had a blood and urine test, all came back clear. It still persisted but then stopped gradually... I can only put it down to anxiety! Feel better about it now although it does happen again from time to time. But now I just tell myself that it's a symptom of my HA and it tends to calm down. The body and mind is a crazy place!

08-02-13, 13:20
I have just come back from the doctors regarding frequent urination, I have done a urine sample and basically it's my anxiety focusing on it.

08-02-13, 13:48

I had a similar thing but i was unable to pee, again it was anxiety. Although i did have a genuine urune retention at one point which fuelled my anxiety towards peeing. It could be the same thing with needing to go. I was at the cinema a few weeks ago watching the hobbit, now i don't like open spaces and landscapes but the hobbit is filled with them, i was very anxious because of that, and very panicky, and so i went 3 or 4 times during the film on just 1 - 2 drinks. The more you focus on it, the more you'll need to go. Like with me, the more i focus on trying to go, the more i won't.

Hope this helps

29-05-13, 19:17
I can relate too to this. When I dont focus its not there, when I fear its there. Can the mind play these tricks on you?

29-05-13, 20:02
I'm going through this now, urine and bloods came back fin but with my anxiety being high I feel I'm going three times an hour

29-05-13, 21:23
I'm going through this now, urine and bloods came back fin but with my anxiety being high I feel I'm going three times an hour

That sucks. How the heck is it possible for the mind to mimic what you fear? Its crazy. Anyone that can explain this and give us some piece of mind is welcome. Im going through the same thing, its horrible. Along with all the other random symptoms of the body. :(

29-05-13, 22:06
Exactly it's awful, not ideal during work either looks like I've got such a weak bladder, I thought it might be a uti but now I had it tested yesterday I'm accepting it is that. It's causing great discomfort and disruption!
What other symtoms have you been getting?

29-05-13, 22:18
my usual random aches. I suffer from exhaustiondepression (directly translated from swedish), but burned out, breakdown. Body ache a part of symptoms. but ha puts me through the roof everyday. Burnout I guess

30-05-13, 08:53
And if it really was something, how come that I can sleep all through night and it gets worse when I start to worry about it? Am I right?

---------- Post added at 07:53 ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 ----------

And also (from symptoms):
Kidneys, urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the toilet

What you feel:

You have an urgent need to go to the toilet, even though you may have just gone. Starts decreasing urine output but initially wants to get rid of everything already waiting to be excreted. May need to visit the loo urgently.
What causes this:

High stress biology produces the need to eliminate. It does so because when the body prepares for action, it wants to eliminate all waste matter in order to make the body as well prepared for action as possible. Having all excess baggage removed, the individual will be at their peak readiness in order to 'fight or run' - the 'fight or flight' response, produced by the Emergency alarm.
This symptom is very common and often experienced by stage performers just before they are to perform. Unfortunately, for those who experience anxiety disorder, a high level of stress biology will produce this symptom, and as long as the stress biology is high, the symptom will be produced. That's just how the body was engineered.
Some remedies include ant-acids, diarrhoea medication, relaxation and deep breathing.