View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

08-02-13, 11:55
Hi all I pray you are well

I have been battling with the way I feel for around 6 monthes now, and it has slowly got worse. I read online about panic attacks and they don't quite sound what I feel like (sudden chest pains etc) but I shall post here and see if anyone has any insight :)

I have obsessive thoughts of death. I can't shift this feeling in my head that I'll have a heart attack or heart failure. It's never really anything else, mainly heart related. I don't have a reason for feeling like this, no chest pains or anything.
During the day time when I'm with others, the thought will come to my mind 'what If I die?' 'what if I have a heart attack right now?', then the thought goes away after some effort. Maybe because I'm busy and don't have chance to dwell on it.
At night, this is when it all starts. :weep: when I get into bed the thought comes again, but because it's quiet and I'm alone, I can't shift the thought.
Then I start to panic, deep breathing, crying, shaking, and a 'butterfly' feeling in my chest like nervousness (palpitations?), that's the worst part of it.
I can feel like this for hours on end. Last night was until 4am. And I am still feeling the 'butterflys' in chest now the next afternoon and feel I keep taking deeper breaths still, I'm curled up in a ball :(

I am feeling more stressed in my life at the moment, and I suffer with a underactive thyroid so not sure if this is playing a role.

Does anyone else feel this way :weep:

08-02-13, 12:28
Hi Khadijah and welcome to NMP

You seem to be having a rough time at the moment. Have you been to see your doctor? It is important that you do particularly as you have the thyroid issue.

The symptoms you are describing will be familiar to everyone on here. Have you read through the symptoms list? I think you will find an explanation there for all that you are feeling. I'm not saying it will make them go away but it may help you to understand why you feel that way and that can help.

Hope you find some comfort here.


08-02-13, 12:32
It is very comforting to read others stories and know they have felt this way for a long time, and are medically fine!
I haven't seen my doctor, that was the last resort but I cannot cope with this any longer.

I have called and have an appointment today, I hope this will bring some light.

You hear stories of people having worries about cancer, then they are diagnosed and they say 'I knew all along', it's these stories that freak me out, as I think am I just being health anxious or is there an actual problem -_- but I have no heart related symptoms to say there is a problem, except the 'nervous butterfly' feeling.

Thank you for your reply Sal, I will read the symptom list now :)