View Full Version : Increased dosage of meds, please advise!!

08-02-13, 13:12
I have recently started CBT therapy, but so far only been once. I'm currently taking 20mg of Citalopram daily. However, the last few weeks have been awful. I have become increasingly paranoid and anxcious. I feel that the whole world is against me. I normally have panic attacks at night time, but yesterday I had once whilst out shopping, because I thought everyone around me were laughing and talking about me. I quickly paid for my shopping and left. I'm now worried about going out alone in case this happens again. This used to be my escape from anxiety but now I feel like I can't even do that.

I have just got back from a visit to my GP. She said the CBT therapy will work in time. So in the meantime she has increased my dose of Citalopram to 40mg for a few weeks to see if this will help. I'm worried that a sudden increase could make my condition worse? Has anyone gone from taking 20mg to 40mg? If so how did you feel?

Liz x

little scientist
08-02-13, 13:45
I think its important to note that the CBT will take time, and it takes practice....lots of practice. It's something that it has taken me a long time to master, but finally it is helping me. As soon as I find the negative thought, I tackle it immediately by writing it down in a notebook I carry with me, and then counteracting the negative thought and coming out with a more rational, positive response.

Say your shopping example....

The Negative automatic thought is "I think everyone in the shop is looking and talking about me and laughing"

So, what evidence do you have for this? probably none.
What would be a more rational, positive thought? "They have no reason to laugh at me, they are just like me, out shopping and minding their own business. No one is laughing at me".

Or the worry about going out....the more positive aspect would be that you have been out shopping loads of times before without a problem, and so you can do it again.

For me the CBT works best for me by writing things down - I can physically see the words on paper.

As for the citalopram - these meds can make you feel worse before you feel better. Have you been on them long? I found the first month or so quite hard but things steadily got better after that. Citalopram works brilliantly for me. Be prepared for side effects as you go from 20 to 40 (not everyone gets side effects though). My side effects were that I sometimes felt very very negative, but now it is working, I am much much better :)

Hope this is of some help to you :)

08-02-13, 13:58
thanks, I am going to really try with the CBT and have started writing stuff down. When I look at it in black and white and read it back to myself, it almost sounds ridiculous, but at the time of panic, its like the end of the world. The CBT I have had so far is making sense and I can see how it works. It's just putting it into practice and thinking differently that I have to try and do.

I've been on citalopram for years. I've always taken 20mg but I don't even feel like they are working anymore, so hopefully the increase in dose, alongside the CBT will eventually help me beat this horrible illness.

Thanks for your support :)

08-02-13, 14:39
I was fine going up from 20mg to 40mg but I respond very well to Citalopram.
Best of luck