View Full Version : Heath anxiety

08-02-13, 15:08
Health anxiety is driving me mad, i keep thinking i have more wrong with me :(

08-02-13, 15:50
Join the club!!!! Sometimes I feel quite good and then, if I am a bit off par, the health anxiety kicks in big time and every little symptom becomes an obsession! I have the 'avoidance' type of ha ie I avoid going to the doctors, dentist, optician and just ruminate. It's ruining my life too and, like you, I am very p.....d off with it!!! I had some cbt and I know it all in theory but when the ha starts all that I've learnt goes out of the window! At least we know we are not alone - I see the health anxiety forum always has the most readers! Good luck with your battle. x

08-02-13, 16:09
Thanks, you sound just like me, have you had it for long? x

08-02-13, 19:11
im the same mine started when feeling the odd skipped.heartbeat then mr google came along and turned skipped heartbeats into all sorts of crazy stuff

08-02-13, 19:26
I also suffer with health anxiety ,at times its ok and I deal with it pretty good ,then other times like today I am a mess ,I understand how u are feeling u are not alone !

09-02-13, 13:40
Thanks, i hate mr google lol, hi Jessica hope you feel better?

09-02-13, 21:34
google contridicts itself alot saying one thing then another my head was in a spin at one stage with looking up stuff on the other hand ive learnt alot i know more about heart related stuff than some nurses lol

09-02-13, 21:57
My HA is ruining my life. When I have symptoms I google them and convince myself I have the Big C and make numerous trips to the doctors wanting tests to prove Im wrong. The more I worry the more symptoms I imagine I have. My current worry is lungs due to rib lain Im suffering. My partner almost left this time round because I wont listen when the docs say its nothing. I want to spend 100s of pounds on private tests but my gp wont refer me because they dont think its necessary. Im doing cbt at the moment but I only speak to someone on the phone after two weeks of worksheets.. we all suffer varying degrees of HA, some a minor inconvenience, some, like mine, are severe. Either way there are some great people here with good advice and support. I hope it helps you as it is helping me

Andrea x

10-02-13, 12:30
Hi Andrea,
You sound just like me, i hate the c word :( health anxiety does my hea\d in big time, i have had it a while vnow, hope your okay today?

15-02-13, 11:41
Hi all! just a quick question, does anyone else suffer from a painful scalp with their HA?
Iv been getting it on and off for quite a while now ,altho I haven't had it for a few weeks, but it started again yesterday and the doctors have no idea, I also suffer with painful soles of feet most days is this a HA symptom. :shrug:

15-02-13, 12:54
Painful tight scalp is what i have right now also back of the neck is killing me,my soles of my feet felt like they were on fire last night and they really feel sore today.

15-02-13, 13:26
Hi puppyskin
Have you ever been doctors for your scalp and feet?
I've had many aches and pains with HA but these have to be the most uncomfortable I've experienced to date...

15-02-13, 13:35
no,never but i remember 3 years ago when i was in a breakdown kind of state these symptoms were present along with many many more,they did finally dissapear when i got well.

16-02-13, 12:11
Hi yeah i do :)