View Full Version : Hi all, starting prozac tmmrw

08-02-13, 15:54
hi all, started on citalopram 10 days ago, but didnt react too well to it, gp has no written me up for fluoxetine 20mg am starting them tmmrw, will keep a log on here but would be gratefull for any advice, citalopram span me out and left me overly sedated and with a rash and vomiting!, am determined to nail it this time and have accepted i need some help, gp is referring me for cbt as well.

fingers crossed, and am braced for round 2


08-02-13, 16:36
Hi Chris :) I hope fluoxetine will be better medication for you. First weeks can be challenging but you will feel better. On how many mg of fluoxetine are you? Is it for anxiety? :hugs:

08-02-13, 19:33
I take fluoxetine & haven't had any side effects other than a bit of a dry mouth for a week or two but really it was nothing. It's working well for me. I've taken it on & off for years.

09-02-13, 12:17
Chris, did you develop serotonin syndrome from the cit? Sounds like those symptoms to me. Ive been on fluox for just over 5 weeks first few weeks were hard, nausea, retching, headaches, tiredness, twitching, jaw clenching the list goes on but most of these have eased to be honest n i feel much more stable n less anxious i hope it works for you too x x

09-02-13, 13:42
Welcome Chris and good luck in your journey with fluoxetine :)
Hope it goes smooth for ya :)

09-02-13, 17:36
hi there, thanks for yo comments, basically ive been havng a rough rideat work, which normally wouldnt be a prob but its been going on ages and spilling into home life, noticed i was drinking more, started smoking again, mood swings, not shaving daily ( sounds daft but that was noticed by partner) and snappy and low etc etc, came to a head and realised that i needed to sor something out, gp says depressed etc, hopefully it will be okay.

have been put on 20mg to start, not sure what happened with citalopram, on day 5 i was strating to feel a bit more perky but really debilated ( and im a stubborn old git!), srtarted vomiting and developed a rash so knocked the on the head.

Think if you read some of the comments on the web it enoug to put you off taking any meds, but i realise i need a ittle 'rebalancing' to get me back on form. am feeling quite positive about fluox am starting sunday morning, will have breakfast and get the dog out.
fingers crossed, i really want my ' oh well nevermind and 'can do'' head back and not the ' miserable bugger that seems to have grown on me lately!!
