View Full Version : Burning in head?

08-02-13, 16:01
Anyone else get this burning sensation in your head ?

08-02-13, 16:24
Yes I suffer from burning in and on top of my head, also pressure and tingling on my head that makes me scratch my head. Sometimes it last a little while sometimes a few days and its horrible I always panic and think im having a stroke or something. My doc says it is all down to anxiety and stress but its hard to believe sometimes.

08-02-13, 18:42
Had it 6 weeks now in head and all over & can't take much more of it :mad:

08-02-13, 19:29
ive have this befor it only lasted few minites but ir was very odd feeling and scary ,I didn't go doc for it .but I did see my neuro doc and he said he has never heard of it and its not the brain .it would be more scalp and could be from tension,but if u are worried maybe just ask your doc so u can rest your thoughts ,tc hop u feel better soon

08-02-13, 19:31
Yes I have had this in the left side of my head a few weeks ago all night in bed. Glad you said your neuro doc said it wasn't the brain because that's my worry at the minute and that was one of my symptoms.