View Full Version : new to this ( doc told me to live with it )

08-02-13, 16:02
Hello im new to forum and kinda new to Anxiety, its kinda somethink i always had when it came to fear of not being liked or being turned down with list of other things but i found ways to not deal with it by working around ways to avoid it mostly by getting other people to do things for me while i hid streets away ha ha..

about me, im 29 year old male, live with my girlfriend and 2 kids, never see me cry, never went doctors because i always new i get over it untill i got ill this time. loved going places with my girlfrend and kids..

this is my last 3 months, some days would feel better like im getting over it at last then next day can have it at its worse again.

it feel like a tightning around my neck, i also have a sore throat kind of sensation that was felt more worse on the right side, sometimes it feels like i have something stuck inside the right side of my throat.
Along with throat trouble i had blocked right ear and feeling that my right gland keeps swelling, and a constant dull pain/ache in the right ear and dull jaw with now again sharp pains and sometimes pain in my chest like beginning of chest infections that never comes and thats normally when i get shallow breathing. now the worse bit is i have weird sensations when swallowing. everytime i swallow i get a clicking feeling and its now starting to hurt. eating food dont make worse but sometimes feels its stuck in my throat. i burp alot which sometimes feels traped and can give me burning feeling in my throat..

In these months i worried every single day, im was sure that it was soming serious like the c... word. along with throat problems i developed other symptoms, like palpitations, now and again head ache, body aches, i feel stiff when i wake up more than normal and really sore kness, my neck feel so tight and so does my sholders and get these pain area what are sore to touch and sometimes under my armpit, i have heart burn and ibs sysmptons. aburning feeling over my chest like its in my lungs, some days these symptons can be here and other days not but never fully better,

Ive had blood test, endscopy and every doctor tells me im ok
Im worried about dying and think of it constantly, even tho doctors tell me to just relax, i feel they missed somethink.

i had a number of doctors to check my throat and i went to ensocopy. which i feel skipped my throat to look to see if i had Gerd
Im told its anxiety or stress which i do have
i cant believe that my throat symptoms could be due to stress and anxiety.

I been doctors like 10 times in 3 months, they have done what i asked but last few days my neck and throat been bad so off i went today and seen a diffrent doctor to what i normally see, thinking this be good since other doctor is stuck on anxitey only be told What you want me do about it and to live with it, i felt turned down, one of my biggest fears so sadly there be no going back to doctors for me of fear of hearing them words.

I just want this to go away, i have no life and mostly lay on sofa and trying accept this is what anxiety is or what anxiety can do, i need some tips on how to deal with this, any help would be great and thankyou for your time

12-02-13, 14:33
Hi, just reading your post now and its like I could have written it, word for word. I also suffer from health anxiety for about 9 years now and had most of the symptoms you list. I had the tightness in my throat, felt like there was a lump there everytime I swallowed. I also had pains in my face, jaw, left side, missed heartbeats, palpitations, you name it I had it.

I also spent most of 3 months lying in bed or if I could manage to move down to the couch. I had numerous tests and visits to the doctors, each time saying there was nothing wrong and of course I didn't believe them, I think the doctor got fed up with me in the end and told me to get a grip of it!! (I wish it was that easy)!

Eventually the doctor prescribed citalopram, which I don't know if you have taken, but if not could you not ask your doctor to prescribe them as they really did help me. Like you I also had this great fear of dying which is absolutely horrible, I know exactly what you are going through.

I started to make little steps as I thought I cannot go on like this any longer and I know it is really hard now but try and occupy yourself to take your mind off it. Even if it is just a walk around the block.

I still sometimes get anxious and have missed heartbeats but I don't focus on it and I say to myself it is just anxiety and it cannot harm me. It is just my nerves.

When I was bad I read a book by Claire Weekes called Self Help for your nerves which was a really valuable read. Now and again I still have a read through it when I feel anxious as it explains how your nerves work and respond to situations.

Hang in there it does get better

12-02-13, 15:07
Hi leeii
The symptoms you have described all sound like anxiety. I too have suffered with most of the symptome which started with a lump in my neck!! I was so scared that I had a major panic attack before I could even get in the doctors. Anyhow she checked me out and referred me to a consultant. I paid to see him as I couldn't stand the wait. He checked my neck out thoroughly and I had a scan. The result of this was Globus laryngeal/hystercus.(Not sure I've spelt this right) A lump like feeling in the throat..uncorfortable feeling of pressure..all due to stress and anxiety!! look it up on google. I also took an AD to help me. The side effects were pretty rough to start with but Diazepam helped to calm me down. Don't let the doctor fob you off. See another one and ask for help
Best of luck

12-02-13, 18:03
Do you guys get a strong pulse in your head as well?

12-02-13, 19:35
I get a pulse in head ,all time ,...and yes I get the pressure feeling in neck.throat its very scary and mine last days it just don't come and go :/
sounds like anxiety to me ...ive never been to doc for the throat yet !hope u feel better soon

Vanilla Sky
13-02-13, 13:10
You dont have to live with this , Sign up with a new doctor there is help out there.

Welcome to NMP :welcome: