View Full Version : Just a Thought.....Gluten Intolerance

08-02-13, 16:17
I'm now more convinced than ever that my anxiety is to do with being Gluten Intolerant...I was initially diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 1999 but continued on a normal diet for most of the next few years, while my immune system was stronger, then emerged with regular panic attacks and generalised anxiety lasting for about 8 years...at a point of desperation I cut out the Gluten after reading articles such as the link below..the anxiety improved.

Nowadays if I ingest some Gluten (sometimes I'm naughty, other times by error!), I get a relapse of general 'nervousness' and an inability to concentrate, along with the old symptoms of generalised anxiety...

Just a thought, may be worthwhile trying a GF diet for a while, not easy but if, like me, you'd do anything to be rid of the awful life that anxiety provides, then give it a shot !...



08-02-13, 16:22
Think that this is a great post, thanks for sharing. I've been cutting out gluten slowly and I know it's not anxiety related - but my IBS symptoms, more specifically the amount of pain I get from IBS, has gone from being everyday to maybe once every month/couple of months (depending on if I've also given into temptation or by error).

I feel that our diet has a HUGE effect on our well-being, possibly even more of an effect that people care to think about/realise.


09-02-13, 20:02
Thanks for sharing this. I think gluten can have a huge impact on how you feel if you are intolerant to it. Several of my family members have Celiac Disease and prior to diagnosis and diet they had several panic like symptoms. Such as dizzyness/tingling sensations etc. Every since they are on their diet they feel lots better.

10-02-13, 12:27
I've had coeliac disease since I was 12 and you do find yourself on a healthier diet. It was hard at first but now its fairly common in the UK.

You can't just reach for the nearest cake or treat without checking the ingredients out first, though the supermarkets now offer a great range.

I find myself cooking from scratch quite a bit and I find that gluten free food also tends to be premium food (ie - cheap sausages are packed out with rusk whilst premium range sausages are 100% meat so generally gluten free)

It can add to health anxieties but you do feel great with the diet

11-02-13, 23:38

I have a wheat intolerance and find when i have too much i get more anxious than normal and palpitations come on.
Try cutting it out as best you can, i no nothing beats real bread tho that gluten free stuff is like cement :(