View Full Version : Woke up this morning panicing

05-09-06, 08:56
Sorry to post yet again, but I've had the most horrendous starts to the day.

I woke up with my heart going faster than normal, but the most scary feeling was the tingling in my left hand. Not a pain, just a feeling kind of like pins and needles but not as bad. Anyway, got up and started feeling real panicy. Breathless and the tingling continued. This was about an hour and a half ago.

I got on the phone to my mam and explained how I was feeling and she did a good job in calming me down, but it just frightened the hell out of me as it happened as soon as I woke, which has never happened before. The tingling is still there a little but feeling a 'bit more normal'.

Why am I having these symptoms again so strong?????????

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

existential crisis
05-09-06, 09:46

Sorry to hear that you had a bad start to the day. The reasons your symptoms are so strong this morning is probably because you feel more frightened of them today - so you produce more adrenaline and the symptoms intensify. I suffered panicking on waking myself and I appreciate how horrible it is. What used to work for me was just getting up, making a cup of tea and reminding myself that mornings arent good for the best of people and that a bad morning doesn't always mean a bad day. Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

05-09-06, 10:14

I always feel worse in the mornings so I set my alarm and take my propranolol an hour before I get out of bed so its well kicked in by the time I get up.

hope you feel better now.


05-09-06, 11:10
Hi all, thanks for the posts.

My hand is still tingling a bit and I still feel on edge but not quite as bad as I felt earlier. I hate this, I really hate having all of these symptoms. Especially when I dont feel REALLY stressed. But the symptoms bring on stress and it all starts again. It makes me feel really down. [V][V][V]

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

05-09-06, 11:31
I know how you feel. I often wake in the morning with symptoms (heart racing, pins and needles, breathlessness and general anxiety) - I think one of the reasons why you get this worse in the mornings is because your blood sugar levels are low, where you haven't eaten. Also, with me, I think my subconscious works overtime when I'm asleep and stirs up all these feelings that I don't seem to have so much in the daytime at the moment. So even when I think my head is sorted when I'm awake, it's obviously not when I'm asleep.

This would maybe explain why you get symptoms when you don't feel particularly stressed - I said recently that if I didn't get the physical symptoms (like palpitations) then I would be feeling quite normal, but these are just a constant reminder to keep me feeling agitated.

Best wishes, Caroline

Granny Primark
05-09-06, 12:13
Hi Dan, sorry your day got off to such a bad start.
I also feel worse in a morning. Some days i wake up and dont want to open my eyes to face the day ahead.
The tingling in my fingers was really scary when it first started but now i know what it is i dont feel so frightened anymore.
You put that sack over your anxiety and give it a hiding.
Il do the same with mine. lol
I do think caroline has got a point about the blood sugar levels.
Ive noticed that if my hubby brings me a cup of tea in bed and i drink it i dont feel as shaky when i get out of bed.
Take a flask bed with you and when you wake up have a drink and a biscuit before you get out of bed.

Take care

05-09-06, 12:16

You were panicking so much yesterday, that I'm sure it's just your subconcious worries at work here.
I know it makes it all the more scary if you wake up like this - it only happened to me for the first time a few weeks ago ( I've had PA's for years) and it scared the hell out of me. But it does happen, unfortunately, as many people on the forum will tell you.

Just stick to your normal morning routine if you can. You may well still feel worried, just try not to let it control you.

TC, Carly

05-09-06, 14:05
is it normal for a panic attack to leave the tingling sensation throughout the day. Not constant, just on and off?????????????

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

05-09-06, 14:18
Hi Dan,

I've never had a panic attack as such, just loads of anxiety symptoms that often pop up for the sheer hell of it! I had tingling for a full week at one point - seemed like it was constant, but maybe was only when I was thinking about it (but I thought about it constantly!) - now my tingling comes and goes.

Today I am feeling absolutely fine, best I have in ages, but my middle finger on my right hand is tingling.

Try not to analyse what you are feeling and why you are feeling it, it only makes it worse (although I'm a great one to talk, I've never managed this yet!).

05-09-06, 14:25
thanks caroline.

I really appreciate your (and everyones elses) words. Things just seem to have taken a real downwards spiral over the last few days. I'm much like yourself as in so much that I dont usually have panic attacks, just lots of symptoms that, I guess, signify some sort of anxiety or worry under the surface.

But when I get into a state like I have done lately, I feel really bad. I just think "what if this time its something really bad"???

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

05-09-06, 14:31
Yeah, I know, it's the "what ifs" that fuel my anxiety. However, today I am feeling really positive so I'm thinking ..... What if this is all in my head, and I am wasting the best years of my life worrying about dying. It's not like worrying is going to change the outcome!

Hope you are feeling better really soon.


05-09-06, 16:43
Hi Dan.I had a really bad panic attack about 3 weeks ago now,and it went on for a few days,plus the anxiety.I have been waking every morning since, panicky,feeling sick, stomach ache,shaky.Its taking along time to all settle back down.You are not alone in this.You have been given some good advice on here.Im not hungry at all when I wake up but I force my self to eat some porridge even if I have to have a glass of water to get it down me.Your blood sugars do drop in the night and you need to have something on waking up.
Anxiety symptoms are horrid,you can have things today that may not be there tomorrow.
You will get some great advice here.
Take care.[:I]

Ellen XX

05-09-06, 18:04
im the same in the morn, i think its the shock to the nerves of just waking up, cos they are sooo sensitized, im convinced of that now, im also a lot more jumpy too.
i sometimes have that tingling all over, pins and needles etc, and it can last a couple of days.

we are all stronger people after having this

05-09-06, 18:35
Hi Dan

I get the tingling a lot. With me its to do with shallow breathing or overbreathing. Overbreathing can be so subtle you don't even realise you are doing it. I have been a chronic overbreather for a long time and it causes tingling all over my body and it can last for days. It's a horrible feeling and it can send me into a full blown panic but it won't harm you its just a really unpleasant sensation. Try not to worry.

Love Rosebudxxx

05-09-06, 20:33
thankyou guys.

feeling a bit better now. tingling kind of comes and goes so I'll see what happens. Thank you for your kind words, hopefully tomorrow will bw better than today.


I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.