View Full Version : Anyone on meds for anxiety? Need advice as in a terrible state!

08-02-13, 20:02
My health anxiety is really getting me down and I have an appointment with the doctor next Friday. I actually do have a dental problem and have had 2 lots of antibiotics but the problem has not resolved and I keep avoiding going back as I am so frightened of anything medical. The infection is above a bridge and my dentist said a couple of years ago that he would have to refer me to the hospital, but I don't know why. The dentist I saw recently (not my normal one) said I will lose the tooth and this will be a big problem as there will be no tooth to fix the bridge to. I have also gotten into a state as I had a work colleague who had tooth abscesses and then they found she had leukeamia and now she's dead and that's all I can think about. I have never had any meds, only cbt and the odd diazepam and am thinking of asking to go on something. I am very frightened of taking meds but feel I can't go on like this. I'd appreciate any info and whether it has helped you. Thank you x

08-02-13, 20:21
I spent years being terrified of the dentist and my teeth suffered because of this! I left things for ages and ended up losing a number of teeth. I finally found an understanding dentist who was gentle and patient and because I trust him now (he's never hurt me) I feel easier about going and thank goodness I will now be able to save whatever teeth are left in my mouth.
I too am very frightened of taking medicines (even vitamins!) but I reason with myself that so much research has gone into these drugs and it's only very rarely that someone shows extreme allergic reactions. I make sure I take my medicines around other people and if I'm really scared, I take the pills a little at a time, a quarter pill every 20 minutes or so. I know that's probably not the right thing to do but it's only initially and once I find that nothing has happened to me (I didn't drop down dead") then I can go on to take the rest in the normal fashion. I doubt that your colleague got a tooth abscess because of leukaemia or that the abscess caused the illness either. Many, many people get infections and quite often it's only because they have neglected to see a dentist in time. Do you have anyone who could go with you?

Brazil Bill
13-02-13, 17:03
Hi Jilly. I suffered anxiety for a long time before I finally decided to try some meds (it was really a last resort as I am no big fan of pills of any sort). My HA got to the point where I also developed agrophobia and ended up being bedridden for 6 weeks other than to go to the GP for yet another symptom check. It was during the final appointment that he suggested counselling and, if I wanted to, antidepressants. I started taking Fluoexetine/Prozac (you have to take them for 3-4 weeks to get any effect other than a bit of drowsiness) and I have to say they gently eased me back to being less frightened. Gradual, and didn't completely stop the anxiety but just made it a bit easier to rationalize and do something else. I stopped taking them 4 years ago but, following another decline last year, I went back on the pills and they have improved my quality of life a lot - in many ways I haven't changed at all but I don't get the white-knuckle fear I used to get with random thought about health and dying. I did have to try a few other types of pills (e.g. clomipramole - a bit too heavy for me) before finding one that works. I suggest having a word with your GP and see how you feel after that maybe?