View Full Version : Worried about workmen in my safe place

08-02-13, 20:24
I suffer from anxiety and social phobia and since I moved into my flat 10 months ago I've had nothing but problems. Had people around from the agents about 8 times with damp, leaks, faulty electric, windows that won't lock etc. Now I have another big thing. Had someone call me saying from environmental services and that my guttering has been wired wrong and that it was leaking waste water! I've never seen this happen and have been living here 10 months and had no problems with that, also had tenants here before and no complaints. Anyway he calls today saying going to be huge job and getting a contractor into price it up on Monday for agents/landlord.

I am worrying myself sick as I have a cats which I am allowed only one of so am worrying where they can go as they are indoors cats and I have no friends near and I don't drive. Also my safe place is going to be invaded, apparantly I need the whole flat re piping, all floorboards are going to be ripped up and pipes put so flowing out the back not the front. I cannot deal with this but it has to be done. I just don't know what to do, I have a stressful week this week as it is with my smear test due to rule out cervical cancer as ultrasound found bulky cervix. I just don't need this, I feel so sick and I can't cope with it :weep:

I never answer the door to even delivery men at my flat as I lock myself away so how am I supposed to cope with this?

08-02-13, 20:32
i had similar when i moved ino my flat have had workmen in and out since september finally got rid of last one 2 weeks ago and now have to let a man in to deliver my new fridge. i had a friend come and sit with me for a couple of hours at first. me and my cat huddled in the living room while they did the other rooms.
have you got a friend a bit further away that can come to you.
if you can just think to yourself that you will soon get your safe place back it might help

08-02-13, 20:48
No I don't have anyone :(

Just feel so scared and sick with it all, I feel like locking the door and ignoring it but know I can't :(

08-02-13, 23:49
Very sorry to hear about your problems which sound horrendous. I would also become VERY stressed at the prospect of all that work being carried out and my privacy & safe place being disturbed. I just hate workmen coming to the house.
Is there a cattery nearby that you could use (toms usually need to be neutered!) or perhaps the Cats Protection League (or some other cat charity)could offer some advice on how to care for the cats & stop them gettting stressed; maybe someone could foster them for a short while.
The only other thing I can think of is to stay with friends/family or in a cheap B & B until the work is done or move to another flat - but perhaps you've paid a few months in advance. Perhaps you could contact the agents/landlord & tell them about your problems. Is there another flat in the block (or nearby) they could put you in while the work is being done. Explain how disruptive it will be to you because of your condition & also your cat. Perhaps theres a health & safety issue you could use.As there have been LOTS of things wrong with the flat maybe you could say it is not fit for purpose & insist they move you elsewhere as the distress & inconvenience is impacting on your health. Its not your fault the guttering is botched up & why wern't the agents aware of this when they rented you the place.
Good luck!