View Full Version : New from Ohio

08-02-13, 21:57
Hi Everyone,I just joined up and i really love this site and the information i have read.I suffer from Anxiety,depression,agorophobia and a heart that skips beats constantly.I'm taking Ativan for the Anxiety which helps a little and my Doctor just put me on Cymbalta but i havent taken any of it yet,i also have a phobia of side effects so i came home and researched it online and now i am terrified to take it but i really need something for the depression and anxiety,i'm a 46 year old female and most of my problems started 3 months ago when i lost my precious Mother.I'm anxious to meet everyone and see if we can all help each other..

08-02-13, 22:21
Hi hollysmommy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-02-13, 22:39
Hey there,

Welcome to the site; such a great support network here and a ton of information too :)


08-02-13, 22:55
Hi :welcome: I am sorry to hear about your Mum. I am sure you will find lots of support here. x

09-02-13, 00:26
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


09-02-13, 06:28
It is quite natural to have all the feelings you describe after the loss of your mother. I am sure various meds will help but try and not get depended on them.A short course of about three months should stabilise your anxiety and hopefully you can return to a normal life and think of the happy times you had with your dear mother.All the very best to you.

09-02-13, 17:57
Hi. I am from the UK and have had a similar experience in that I lost my mother in November last year. I have been prescribed Ativan for anxiety as well as anti-depressants, and am conscious of the possibility of benzo dependance too. Maybe you should go back to your doctor for a course of anti-depressants. They do not give almost instant relief like Ativan, but within a longer period of time, they can help to stabilise anxiety and depression and help you see things as you did before.
I hope you find lots of support here. x

09-02-13, 18:32
Just wanted to say hello, and welcome. I am so sorry to hear about your mother. You will find so many people who understand exactly what you are going through, and so much good advice. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs: