View Full Version : Is medication the right thing for me?

05-09-06, 10:17
admit defeat I am off to the drs at 11am after breaking down in tears last night & this morning to my husband. I spoke to a nurse at my surgery who said I best come in. I know I went a few weeks ago but didn't take what he gavem e but it was because he prescribed Trazadone which is mainly prescribed for insomnia (which isn't me at all) and I didn't want to doped up all day, he also only said to take 2.5ml at night???? thats totally useless.

Recently my heaolth anxiety has gone through the roof again, particuly (sp) about my sinuses and the risk of meningitis. The last 2 days all ive done is freak out that im developing meningtis because ive a headache, cold hands & feet, slight temp and sinus pain

My mum is coming with me to the drs but im not sure if id look daft having her in the room with me (I am 27 next week) or just ask her to sit in the waiting room as thats still a support. Its not my usual dr but it is the GP who diagnosed me with chronic sinusitis so he knows I was worrying about meningitis anyway and he has been our family dr since I was born so he knows my mum very well.

I know for sure he is going to put me on anti ds, I am just so scared about the side effects after that reaction I had to cypralex its made me terrified of trying anything new, I freak out about low sodium risk, seizures etc...... I worry I won't ever be able to come off them, was I ever better on them anyway????

Arghhhhhhh im so mixed up. I am going to talk about the anxiety/depression (dh thinks its just anxiety causing me to feel low at times) then I shall mention my sinuses as they are very painful the last few days and now I have abit of a temp which is making me worry

I feel sooooooooooo stupid admiting these feelings but any advice id appreciate, im seeing my GP at 11am.

05-09-06, 10:34
If you feel comfortable with it, take your mum in with you. You won't look silly and it'll probably help keep you focused on what you want to discuss. Also helpful afterward when you forget all the positive things you've been told.

Also, my practice nurse friend always tells me to write down what I want to discuss, as otherwise you just forget when you get in there and get side tracked talking about something else!

I hope you get on well and it's a step forward in conquering your fears and anxieties.

Don't be pushed into meds if you feel they are not for you. Ask about all the other options, including herbal supplements, therapies, etc. Get as much info as you can before you make a decision. I know they help a lot of people, but for others they are not the answer. You need to find out what is best for YOU.

Best wishes,

05-09-06, 11:05
I'm 32 and I took my dad regular with me so I could have a second opinion from my dad and he would also ask questions, which in the end of the day was usefull.

I'm also in the doctors today (5:20pm) as I'm going to ask about changing my medication.

Keep us informed how you get on?


05-09-06, 12:00
Hi Jem,

Hope you got on ok at doctors and got something. I'm thinking of you hunxx

Take Care


05-09-06, 12:18
Hi Jem,

I've just been put on the pills having always resisted before, I guess you have to decide what's right for you and at what time, if your anxiety is bringing you down and you can't cope with it then perhaps meds will work.

The writing it down idea Caroline suggests is an excellent one, I always find I can articulate things like that much better than going in and feeling onn the spot.

As for having people with you, it's your appointment, you do whatever makes you feel comfortable. I'm 34 and if my Ma lived nearby I'd have asked her to come with me. That's what parents are for it doesn't matter how old you are.

“There is a certain sort of man who ignores his own good qualities but is tormented by his bad ones, this is the man who writes about himself.”
-W. Somerset Maugham

05-09-06, 12:20
Hi Jem

Hope you get on ok at the GP's, let us know ho you get on

Take care

Elaine x