View Full Version : Illnesses ive survived so far - funny

08-02-13, 23:23
I always keep a diary of what symptoms/illnesses i create in my mind here are this months so far...
Toxic Shock Syndrome - Those wretched tampons!
Systemic Toxicity - Naughty ear infec
Cranial base abcess - that ear infec again!
Collapsed Lung - Bronchitis!!
Pluerisy - Bronchitis
Delayed TSS - Flu
Brain heamhorage - Flu headache
Heart attack - Acid reflux :-/

Gotta live dangerously!!

(i didnt actually have any of these)

08-02-13, 23:36
Your post made me smile, Tinkerbell- you sound just like me! In the past six months I have been convinced I have had the following conditions:

heart failure
liver disease
kidney failure
heart attack
pulmonary embolism
ovarian cancer
cervical cancer

and funnily enough, they all seem to have cleared themselves up without medical intervention of any kind. I should be famous- I am a medical miracle!!

Now if only I can bottle this feeling of ridiculousness I feel at myself and take a dose of it at 2am when I am convinced I am dying and googling symptoms from sites of dubious authenticity!

08-02-13, 23:41
we are medical marvells! Haha! I always look back to see what ive survived right now im battleing some sort of lung failure (bronchitis) so i thought id post to keep myself sane. Luckily i wont be awake much longer as have just taken my sedatives ;-)

Good Luck for the 2am google binge... Ive been there more times than id like to admit

08-02-13, 23:49
Chuck a few of your sedatives over here, I may need them! I just wish it wasn't always "worst case-scenario" with me.

Sore eyes = kidney failure
Swollen ankles= congestive heart failure. (I had just got off a 7hr plane journey in economy class, I bet half the plane had swollen ankles, yet I still couldn't see anything but imminent death)

etc etc etc

I have a new tactic of making sure my iPad is switched off and downstairs in a cupboard before I go to bed these days. So far it is working but then there is always my phone if I really needed confirmation I am dying in the middle of the night!

Sleep well xx

08-02-13, 23:53
If you ask me Dr Google should be struck off! According to him im dead 8 times over! Mines always worst case too, im also agoraphobic and ive been prescribed some meds i do really need but thanks to Dr Googz scare tactics on showing NO good experiences on this med im now to scared to take it... X