View Full Version : Just me and my ENT and mouth issues

09-02-13, 01:12
I wanted to start a new post after deleting my old one.

It all started with my tight throat, lump in throat feeling and swollen gland/lymph node on the right side of my neck.

A lot of my throat issues improved for a while after having my wisdom teeth out.

I had a shadow/mass show up in my maxillary sinus area about a year after the wisdom teeth removal I saw an ENT but he didn't listen to a word I said. :mad:

Actually I noticed a tiny lump rough area towards the back left side of my tongue around the time I had my wisdom teeth out. I could feel it there but took no notice.

It's since spread to the whole back of my tongue. also along the sides of my throat is sort of goes down my throat, and along the sides of my tongue.
I do have inflamed/enlarged taste buds but there is also swelling/raised areas underneath them on top of my tongue.

I was on a lot of antibiotics a year or so ago and did develop some very bad thrush so I do think I maybe have an oral thrush issue.

I've been on and still am on antifungal pills but with no improvement.
My tongue is slowly but surely getting worse :weep:

It's not that uncomfortable, but I can feel the swelling there and that is no fun when you have anxiety and you fear your airways being shut off and you actually have swelling you can see! Plus it's been getting worse ahhh.

Also being having swallowing problems that have worsened.
Basically when I swallow it feels like the back of my tongue catches or gets stuck for a second or so, then the front of neck cracks and some times makes an odd sqeeking or even crunching noise.

When I turn my head my neck and throat cracks, pops and I can feel something move on the outside.

My thyroid has been sticking out a lot more on the right side than the left. Tyroid tests always come back normal though. But I do wonder if maybe it's enlarged or there's a hidden nodule there that is causing the tightness.

I've been getting hot, warm, flushed skin, mainly on my ears, random patches on my face and my neck and chest. At times it looks like sunburn.
It also feels warm to the touch.

when my skin is hot I feel like I want to cool down, last time which was last night in fact I felt soo hot. It was 13 degrees Celsius, 55.4 F inside my house.
I finally found my thermometer which had been missing all week and my body temperature was low! 35 celsius/ 95 fahrenheit.
So I forced my self into bed and turned on the electric blank and my temp went back to normal.

I showed my tongue to my dentist and am now waiting for an appointment with an oral surgeon and hope he helps me.
I also showed my doctor who thinks it's yeast, but the tablets aren't helping so maybe it's a different type of fungus?

My doctor ran a full blood work, everything came back normal expect for my hemoglobin which was too high, the nurse said I need to see my doctor again and so will be seeing her next week.

Lots of things can cause the hemoglobin to be too high, the lab forgot to do a test for Haemochromatosis which runs in the family, but my iron stores were normal. The test involves something to do with checking the iron. But I won't get that result until I see my doctor next week.

Kind of hoping my doctor might send me for more tests, just purely to get a
DIAGNOSES to my throat and tongue issue which I have been putting up with, it's not improving and it's driving me half mad :scared15:

It' so horrible to feel your tongue swollen, to find swallowing hard and not panic! It's there all the time and it's worse now, it's really affecting my social life as it's a symptom that so hard to ignore and due to how tight my throat is? or something, I find it hard to raise my voice so I now talk way too low.

I can't count the times I almost called for an ambulance due to my throat getting so tight! Then of course panic makes it feel so much worse.
Also it is a lot worse when I am in bed, maybe no distraction?
Swallowing seems harder too and ah I am afraid to fall asleep in case my throat closes up on me.
It sucks so so much, if I had a reason, any reason! For the tightness and swelling it'll help me not to be so concerned about the sensations.

Like I said before I would sooo love an x ray of my throat or an ultra sound, anything, just to show me if there is something there or not.:blush:

I have swollen lymph nodes all over my neck, maybe 3 years now, I have some new swellings lumps now too on the front, I also have a vein that sticks out on the left side on the front, with a small lump on it that I get sharp pains along, yeah I think you can guess what I am a little worried about there. :unsure:

My doctor hasn't felt my lumps in a few years now, I feel stupid asking, so I haven't. At the moment all my hopes are on the oral surgeon s fingers crossed he'll figure it out : )

Really gross tongue pictures, you've been warned...

At the very beginning, when I first felt a small rough patch/ bump.


due to my anxiety, I tried to ignore it but then it got worse.


but at the back you can see how the lumps stick up but also it appears to go all the way way or at least as far as I can see.

The first lump that was barely visible at the time, also was an odd purple vein colour, the purple vein colour doesn't show up too well on the camera.

my epiglottis, big yellow thing, has been sticking up too, so that does make me worried there might be swelling further down the throat.



My tongue isn't actually that white, it's just how the camera flash seems tp bounce off it, but there does seem to be a yeast build up at the back which I can brush off as it makes me gag too much.

You can see the swollen/raised taste buds have started to spread down along the sides too.


Then the most recent picture where the epiglottis seems way bigger, up until now I could only view half of it and it's the first time I can see so much of it which to be honest has freaked me out.


You can see at the back of the tongue how some of the lumps are a pale white color, I do find it odd how there appears to be no "yeast" back there, but I did notice white spots on the back of my throat and white mucous type stuff too.

just for fun :whistles: here one of the rashes/redness on my neck

Then here you can see the where the thyroid slightly pokes out, my head is turned to the side as it shows up better that way, I think I've a bit of the redness/rash there in the picture too.


09-02-13, 01:31
You have posted some of these pictures before and you know we cannot diagnose you and you have to go along with the doctor's advice etc.

I am not sure what else we can say to be honest?

09-02-13, 02:55
oh I know, I'm not looking for anyone to diagnose me, I just figured I would start a proper thread, where I can post the updates when I get to see the oral surgeon and that : )
It's more the anxiety I get due to the symptoms that I am really struggling with.

10-06-14, 09:24
was this issue ever resolved? what was the final outcome or diagnosis? treatment?

06-07-14, 12:29
I have same with earpain what it may be

21-11-14, 15:52
My throat and tongue look the same. Going on a year now and the Doc's all say i'm fine. I'd love to know how your doing Anxious Girl


13-05-15, 19:42
Hi can someone please tell me what this is??

25-07-15, 10:05
My Name is Robert, and I have had the same issue for about a Year now.

I also have migratory joint pain, and some other problems. Blood test showed me as hypercalcemic with low vitamin D.

I had a biopsy done of a callus on my tongue when I went to the ENT, so of course it came out benign. I guess the doctor didn't want to go all the way back in the mouth.

I also have a white hairy tongue, and I have to scrape it, and the growths are spreading!

I am super glad I found your thread, and really hope to hear more from anyone else experiencing similar issue with papillae growing wild in their mouth.

Are you on any vitamins? The doctor said my long list of supplements might be an issue.

14-10-15, 02:26
i have the same thing can any body help !!!!

23-05-16, 12:38
Did this ever get sorted out? I have the exact same thing for the last 2 weeks in really paranoid it's so annoying.

03-11-16, 01:10
finally what happened to you? what doctors diagnosed? i am also troubling with same disease.