View Full Version : New member from U.K.

09-02-13, 01:51
Hi. Just found this website today and joined up straight away as it felt good to know that I am not alone!

Name is Amy.
Aged 26.
From U.K. At the moment have been travelling and living in Australia for over a year.
Diagnosed with G.A.D 3 years ago.
Am very close to my family, including my mother. However she also suffers from anxiety and depression so have most likely inherited it from her and find it very hard to talk about it with her and other family members.
Have been with my boyfriend for over 7 years but in those years had a 8 month break (up?) because of my anxiety issues. Been back together now for 1 and half years, although I still worry I will lose him again if I can't deal with my problems.
Am hoping that by talking to others on this forum that I can stop taking this out on him so much and learn to deal with the anxiety and live a happier and most of all, a more positive life!


09-02-13, 02:02
Hi *Luthien*

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-02-13, 03:55
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


09-02-13, 05:05
A warm welcome, you are amongst friends on here.

10-02-13, 00:25
Hi Amy, welcome to the site. You've found a good place to be.

Daisy Sue
10-02-13, 01:11
hi & welcome, Amy :)

10-02-13, 16:55
Hi Amy welcome to NMP

10-02-13, 17:49
Hi there and welcome. My anxiety was an obstacle in my relationship with someone I am no longer with. I am getting ( slowly) better but it is a long road. I am with someone new who has depression as well, so he is totally understanding and that helps. I used to be worse in the other relationship because I was anxious about losing him to anxiety, whixh jsut added more anxiety!!! Now I am trying to be me, warts and all, it helps not to be afraid to cry, talk about things over and over and over again and not be judged, if you are with someone who doesn't understand, maybe find an outlet where you can let off steam - a self help group, counsellor or good friend.
Hope you find help on here, I did.
pp x

11-02-13, 05:10
Thank you for welcoming me. My boyfriend tries very hard to understand and he takes it a lot more seriously now than he used to before. Before I got diagnosed he used to think I was just over-reacting and over-emotional! That's why he couldn't handle it and we broke up...there were other reasons but that one was a key reason! But once he realised what I was going through he looked up info and came to understand. He felt so bad for not being there more for me and now he is really understanding. But he still has those moments where he feels completely frustrated with me and I can tell...he doesn't always say but I can tell from his tone or expression. I feel so bad because he tries so hard but I'm afraid of driving him away again!!
