View Full Version : Thinning hair update!

Silly Blonde
05-09-06, 12:24
I went for it in the end and had all my hair chopped off into a rather stylish short bob (bit like Kym Marsh who is currently in Coronation Street - but blonde in my case, obviously!!!)

I still notice quite a lot coming out when I wash it every other day, but its not AS noticeable I suppose - mainly because its shorter.

My GP suggested checking my thyroid again - and I went for the blood test this morning. The nurse looked at the instruction sheet I had and then looked again at my hair and laughed and said I had the thickest looking "thin hair" she had ever seen!!!

So if any of you girlies are stressing over hair loss - it really helps to get it cut shorter - and it gave me one heck of a "lift" having my hair in a style rather than just hanging there all one length!!!

I even joked with my hairdresser that I was tempted to ditch the psychologist, the hypnotherapist and the acupuncturist and have it washed and blow dried by him every week!!!! Will save me a load of cash and I get to feel and look better at the same time!

Its probably the bravest thing I've done in years!!

SB xx

05-09-06, 12:49
Good on you, nothing like a new image to improve the mood!:)