View Full Version : Eyebrows drooping?

09-02-13, 05:19
I was in the bathroom when I looked in the mirror and I noticed my eyebrows are kind of....droopy. I don't believe its been like this before and its giving me anxiety. I've had a sunburn like rash on the very top and down the center of my nose and its flaky like I had a sunburn there but the rest of my face is normal except my nose. I have little tiny bumps all over my forehead but I only noticed it under certain lighting but they are everywhere. I looked again and my eyebrows looked droopy! I can feel them so heavy on my eyes, so I took a photo to see exactly how they looked. I have a really bad headache but all of these seems like something like an allergic reaction but I don't use any thing on my face and I haven't been exposed to anything to cause something like that.

I don't know what it could be..I took a photo to show you guys, I hope links are okay, but the photo is of my eyebrows.

Also; I haven't eaten anything today that i'm allergic to, just a normal day with foods I've eaten before.

09-02-13, 06:29
do you have ear plugs?

Does it look the same on the other side, it doesn't look droopy to me, but do you mean the skin under the eyebrow is hanging/sitting lower on your eye lid?I find that can happen due to being tired, or natural aging.

maybe take a normal picture for yourself and compare it to some older pictures?
I know I noticed the tear ducts in my eyes suddenly looked bigger? Then I looked at some other pictures of me and nope all normal, it was just in my head : )

how are your sinuses? Blocked or runny nose?
That can cause puffiness, headaches, head/face pain when bending down, as well as making your eyes heavy.
Also being inside with dry heat can trigger off sinus, allergies and dry your eyes out.

remember that both sides of the face aren't always even, like one eye might be slightly bigger, your eye brows might have always been like that but you only zoomed in / noticed it now.

But from looking at you, you look perfectly fine, I had to look for a while to even notice that you do look a teeny bit tired.

the tiny bumps might be white heads which are sort of like black heads,
or even calcium deposits which you can get around your eyes, they are white and hard but all totally harmless.

you don't look like your having a reaction, keep in mind that the really bad reactions happen right away, as in you'd see instant swelling, or a really bad rash, where as milder reactions happen slowly and aren't too bad.
I guess you could take some allergy meds if you are worried, for most reactions that is what the doctor will give you, antihistimines,

the rash doesn't show up well, maybe due to the camera flash, if the skin is peeling either it's just super dry or maybe a very very mild reaction, maybe you bought new washing powder and used it on your pillows?

the skin on the nose is usually dry and often more red, it is prone to flaking.
It doesn't sound like a typical allergy, often the skin will break out in hives or blister or peel really badly.

try in remember just because they symptoms appeared at the same time they might not be related and be simply due to harmless things such as dry skin, tiredness, sinuses.

don't google as you will just scare your self silly, no matter what symptoms you type in you will always find a scary reason for it and over look all the harmless reasons : )

I guess you could ask a family member or a friend to have a look at you if you maybe needed a 2nd opinion or some extra reassurance : )