View Full Version : Bowel problem can't pass a stool

09-02-13, 09:47

I'm really embarrassed to be posting this but I needed the toilet this morning so I went as usual but couldn't push it out n I've been trying on n off my about an hour and a half I'm getting myself stressed n it so uncomfortable
I remember the same sort of thing happening g a few year ago n it eventually passed but it's driving me crazy It just want it out

Any suggestions please

09-02-13, 10:12
Try eating high in fibre foods. Fruit, orange juice.
Oh also lots of water my soften it I think.Its just constipation I hate it when it happens!

09-02-13, 10:25
I wouldn't worry too much.some foods especially meat take 72 hours to pass through. i get obsessed myself if i am not regular but what is regular ?. Some people go three times a day others twice a wek.
Do as suggested above and drink plenty of water and high fibre foods and if in a day or so you still haven't been take a mild laxactive.
The more you worry the more you stress and that in itself leads to constipation,but in your case we are just on day one, and i am sure it will resolve itself.

09-02-13, 12:41
I am having a lot of trouble at the moment with this problem and I have an instant solution. I have bought a packet of GLYCERINE SUPPOSITORIES, you can get them from chemists and supermarkets, they are easy to use and you will pass the motion within about half an hour. I am sure they will work for you. Let me know how you get on.

09-02-13, 13:45
I have used the glycerine suppositories too. they are very good
Ell, do not strain.

10-02-13, 07:50
Hi thanks everyone I managed it but I feel sore now n like bruised etc down there it will soon be back to normal though wont it? X

10-02-13, 08:10
Straining can make it sore, but it should be back to normal soon, yes.