View Full Version : snowed in!!!!!!

09-02-13, 09:54
Went to bed and there was maybe a foot of snow on the ground ... woke up at 4 AM and there's about 4 feet!!! I am only 5 feet tall, how will I shovel my car out? Wow!!!

Anybody else in this blizzard in the northeast US?

09-02-13, 10:49
Usually when you get it over there we get it about 10 days later :( I would advise you to stay inside unless you really have to go out x

09-02-13, 15:15
Are you doing alright up there? We were fortunate only 6-7 inches, but my Daughter lives on Long island, and is much like you, snowed in. We both have little hot dogs (dachshunds) and they had to shovel a little path for the poor soul, can't even go potty. lol Hope you are well, and just stay in, and be safe,:hugs: are you still under a state emergency?

09-02-13, 19:04
Crikey! That's bad. Your snow has made news in the UK so we can all see what you're going through.

09-02-13, 19:38
Well, it's crazy here! The governor of Connecticut closed down all roads because plows got stuck, emergency workers were stuck, etc. Took an hour to clean off my car (more like unbury it) ... couldn't even figure out which car was mine at first because it was just all snow! Now my fiance is doing his and I am back inside because it was such hard work. He is nice to do it all.

The thing is, it's pretty pointless clearing them off because our apartment complex hasn't been able to be plowed either because plows can't get anywhere. 4 feet of snow! It was almost as high as me. But we are lucky, we have electricity, heat, and food. I am glad I got my medications refilled Thursday because I was on my last pill and can't get anywhere for at least today, possibly tomorrow.

I hope it isn't so bad when it makes it's way across the ocean!

10-02-13, 19:21
Hi , I absolutley hate snow! It's soo sooo very pretty but after that 2 second thought Enters my brain I then go into panic! Trapped in clostrophobic feeling , leading to anxiety !

Hope it's stopped and melts ASAP. X

10-02-13, 22:48
We're still snowed in... plows haven't gotten around to our apartment yet ... getting cabin fever

11-02-13, 07:16
Same happened to me, snow half way up the door the next day.. just got plowed out a couple of hours ago lol.. had a claustrophobic feeling on my back porch surrounded by feet of snow. Felt great to take a ride in the caf after a couple of days haaha

11-02-13, 13:12
Ohh no!!!!! Hope you guys are alright where in US are you???

12-02-13, 12:55
I am finally out of my apartment and at work again. These are my last two days at my job! But the roads were terrible getting down here. In my town in CT we got so much snow, they could not plow out the apartment parking lot. They tried and the plows broke. Luckily late last night they got on it with another plow and there is a way out now. It was awful.

12-02-13, 13:39
Pleased you have managed to get out. I hope your last few days at work go well.