View Full Version : Update from drs

05-09-06, 12:34
Saw GP, he was lovely, was abit reluctant to give me meds but said I have a major phobia and obsessive behaviour towards my own health which needs treatment. I have been refered to a local mental health team who will assess what treatment I need, he thinks CBT and I agree.

He has prescribed clomipramine 10mg twice a day, its a trycilic same family of drugs as I was on but he said he dosen't want to use modern anti ds after I had an adverse reaction to cypralex, phew. I am still too scared to start them, frightened to death of allergic reaction but I know I should.

He doesn't think its depression but said anxiety is treated well with anti ds and it can make me feel very low worrying like this. He also felt my sinuses and said I have a slight infection in them now so im on anti bs for that, I told him how badly ive been worrying about getting meningitis from this chronic sinusitis and he said not to but that was it he said at the moment an ENT referal doesn't look likely which im kind of happy about, maybe its because the steroid spray does help but at the moment its abit infected. At least if im on anti bs I shouldn't worry about meningitis

Thanks if you got this far, wish I could just pop my first pill and not panic.


PS Thank you for all your support earlier.[:I]

05-09-06, 12:45
That all sounds really positive, I hope you are feeling much better now.

I had a bad reaction to SSRIs - Sertraline (only stuck it out for 4 days, it made me feel awful!). My GP persuaded me to try Amitriptyline which is a tricyclic. I didn't have any side effects but didn't find a huge benefit either and stopped these after a short time. But they are a very different drug to the SSRIs in the way that they work, so hopefully you will feel a lot better on these.

You'll have to just force yourself to take one and see what happens! I'm sure you'll be fine, just get it over and done with and that's another less thing to worry about.

CBT sounds promising and hopefully you will soon be on the road to recovery. You've had a really rough time of it lately, things can only get better. You know you have loads of support on here to get you through it!

05-09-06, 12:45
Hi Jem, I was on clomipramine for years and did me no harm at all they are also called Anafranil. The doc started me on 10mg twice a day for a few weeks then upped them to 75 mg at night only. I didnt have no side effects coming off them I just reduced very slowly over a long period of time. It was years ago when i started this med and I was realy in a bad state with phobias and I think they did help a lot. I am now on Cipralex the one you didnt get on with, I havnt realy had any bad affects from it but at times wish I stayed with the clomipramine. Dont be to anxious as they do take quite a while to kick in, In my case I think it was about 4 weeks before I started feeling better. Hope they help you and you feel better soon. Take care. Vernon

05-09-06, 12:47
Thanks and im glad I have the support here.

I had an allergic reaction to cypralex so im terrified of that happening again:-(

05-09-06, 12:48
Thanks Vern, your lovely.

So you think med ive been prescibed helped you? I had an allergic reation within 30mins on cypralex so im terrified to start this one:-( I hate taking meds but thinking it is the right thing to do.

05-09-06, 14:49

what a successful Docs visit, sounds like you are getting somewhere and are on your road to beating this.

Good luck with the pill taking. xx

Hay x

05-09-06, 14:54
im so glad jem your doc seems lovely

give them a try jem, people try them every day all over the world remember that

good luck


05-09-06, 16:00

Still sat here and ive not taken it:-(

05-09-06, 16:13
Do it.... it cant get any worse can it?

Hay x

05-09-06, 16:50
Hi there just wanted to say I know how your feeling.I have a phobia about taking pills!!!!
You need to start them to sart feeling better.I know this is not easy.Try taking one and then go and do something,keep busy,try not to think about it.Dont read the side affects.
I have a phobia abut taking any pills,but Im on citalopram and beta blockers.It is hard I know but you can do this.

Ellen XX

05-09-06, 18:27
Thanks Hayles & Ellen,

Just feeling very panicky tonight anyway, been put on anti bs for sinus infection, got ear ache and still am abit warm, my temp is always 36.7 but its now 37.5,has been for 2 days and im still worrying its meningitis starting:-( I could cry im so exhausted from worrying and temp taking:-( I know its not high but its up for me. Can anxiety make your temp rise??

Tomorrow I shall take the pill but im on my own and ive a busy day with my kids starting school so im not sure if I should. After reading the leaflet (daft) im petrified, its the same family of drugs (tryciclic) that ive been on twice before and ive not had an allergic reaction to them but im frightened I will with this one.

05-09-06, 20:34
You are ok,anxiety does allsorts of horrid things to your body,your temp may be up because you have an infection in your sinus.
You need to start taking the pills soon to feel better. keep busy after.You can do this.;).
I just know what your going through,and its so hard I know.Can someone not be with you for a while after you have taken it.I know when this has happened you automatically think the same things going to happen again, its fixed in the mind.Everyone keeps telling me its negative thinking,its really hard to change to positive.But these pills may make you feel so much better.:)
Thinking of you.

Ellen XX

05-09-06, 21:14
Thanks Ellen:-)

My mum will be here tomorrow & I will take it then. I have earache/pressure, have all day, dr didnt check my ears but pressed my face which was abit uncomfortable but not as bad as my ear, lol but its all linked I guess so anti bs will sort it whatever it is. Its probably all the temp taking, hehe.

I worry more that it might be a sinus infection because of the meningitis risk, what a nightmare I am.

Thanks again ellen, your very supportive..