View Full Version : introducing myself

09-02-13, 12:30
Hello all

Well here goes. Hello all my name is Bethany I am 46 years old.I would like to say my problems started 7 years ago when my then 6 year old daughter was sexually abused by a close family friend then about 77, he received a 5 year prison sentence. Unfortunatly when he was released because he owns his own property just down the road there isn't a law in the land that can make him move. I had a complete breakdown when it happened and only then did I realise it was because of something I had burried deep inside my own abuse as a child. I have since then been on a cocktail of different medications at present I am on Sertraline 200mg pregabalin 600mg Zopiclone 15mg and also diazepam 20mg these are all taken daily every day. After a couple of stays in a psyciatric ward and numerous overdoses the last only a few weeks ago I still dont feel as if I am any closer to getting things sorted. After being assessed by a Psychotherapist I was diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder, significant features of a Schizotypal personality disorder, clinical depression, masochistic personality patterns, anxiety, alcohol and drug dependency, and my scores on PTSD were also elevated. I self harm on a regular basis which is how I came across this site looking for help with my self harm. I was due to start an MBT course next year but unfortunatly the professionals on my case have told me that I am not stable enough to start at present. Well I think that is me done and after reading this back I should hope so, please excuse any spelling mistake only i am fairly new to this computer idea so have not quite worked out spell check.

09-02-13, 12:40
Hi bethany66

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-02-13, 13:39
all I can say is that having read your horrendous story that you will find others on here that can support and comfort you. You really have gone through a lot and appear to be on a very high level of medication.
I personally can't offer any constructive advise but will always be here to listen.xx

09-02-13, 13:50
Hi Bethany. Your story did bring a tear to my eyes. Hope you'll find some piece if safety on this site. Wishing you all the best :)

09-02-13, 15:09
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


10-02-13, 00:29
Hi Bethany and welcome.

Daisy Sue
10-02-13, 01:25
hi Bethany, welcome to the forum.

i'm so sorry to hear what you and your daughter have been through, and it's hardly surprising that you've had a massive reaction to it all. give yourself time, let the meds do their job, and i hope it won't be long before you're feeling more in control and on an even keel.

10-02-13, 16:55
Hi Bethany welcome. I hope you find as much support here as I have

03-03-13, 14:32
can I please thank everyone for their kind words. I appologise for not replying earlier but I have been going through a bit of a bad time. I would like to make an enquiry about self help groups for self harm in Runneymede. Once again thankyou x

04-03-13, 18:52
Hi Bethany,
Welcome to the site. I am new as well. I am also here to listen and give words of support. You are doing the right thing by reaching out to others. You don't need to go through this alone... :hugs:e