View Full Version : crackling in throat/nose

09-02-13, 13:23
Hi, I have not been on for a while as have been doing well until in the new year I have Flu and was bed bound for a week and then it took me over 3 weeks to start getting my energy back, it left me with a chest infection which was treated with antibiotics. Then........ my anxiety came back as I had chest pains and was convinced it was a heart attack or tumour. Went to doctors, they said my chest was clear and gave an ECG to calm me. All was ok. She said it was probably pulled muscles due to me being inactive when I had flu.

So for a week I tried to not worry about the pain and then I have now come down with a similar bug to flu (I must add that I have just started working with young children again after 9 year stay at home break so am coming into contact with bugs again). I had bad cold and sweats, no energy etc (same as a work pal had) my temperature seems to be back in control now but now I am bunged up sometimes and also have a funny crackling in the back of my throat/nose. It has really panicked me as I am convinced something is so wrong!! Illness, chest pains, bad cold! I don't want to start the cycle of always going back to the doctor for assurance and my work collegue was really ill with this bug last week, she came to work with it and didn't seem worried and has now got rid of it. I am convinced I have pleuracy, heart attack, chest infection, tumour and anything else I can imagine!! I have never had this crackling sound before!!!!

Would be really greatful for some kind words or advice???



09-02-13, 13:38
My husband has this, or somethin similar, he is making these noises in his sleep and is driving me up the wall. He will not go to th doctors. He has bought a nasal spray
don't know if it will make any difference.
Sorry ,have no advice, only to go back to GP,Perhaps a chest xray will put your
mind at rest. I am sure if you had pleurisy would would feel very poorly.
My sister had that one time and could not get out of bed.
Take care

09-02-13, 13:41
I have this throating clicking/grinding when i swollow, started with a click, i had it everyday for 3months 24/7 also sore throat feeling , its how my health anxitey started using google to find out what rong, doctors think its nothink and told me go away and just live with it, i just feel if i could make it go away then my problems be sorted and stop me inventing new sysmtons i read up about it :weep:

09-02-13, 17:57
Hi thanks for your comments. The crackling I have is like the candy that pops it is a weird noise. I am going to try an inhalation and see if it is my sinuses. Really hope it is another chest infection! I am so fed up from feeling ill and worrying all the time!!!

09-02-13, 20:10
I'm definitely not a doctor but it sounds a lot like something that made me panic years ago. After a doctor's visit and some tests he determined it was my Eustachian tube. When you had a pretty bad cold/flu or allergy which affects the nasal/sinus cavities the Eustachian tube can get blocked and then later on when it starts to clear up it will get little bits of air blocked into the mucus which creates the sound. It is not dangerous but just annoying and scary if you don't know what it is. I can not post links yet since I'm under the post count of 10 but if you want to read more just try a wikipedia search on Eustachian Tube :) (again I'm not a doctor so this is not a diagnosis.. )

09-02-13, 20:21
Thank you for the information owlkeeper.As my husband is also deaf. There maybe a connection.:shrug:

09-02-13, 21:38
Oh thanks owlkeeper, that certain makes sense. I will see how it goes and if still bad in a few days may pop along to docs. Just so fed up, I was so ill with the flu in the new year and now am so blocked up with this cold which is similar to the cold I had with flu!!

09-02-13, 22:14
Hi,i'm the same,not been on here in ages then last week got this really bad bug that knocked me for 6...now the anxiety is coming back after been laid up for so long(far too much thinking time)had the worst week in a long time,anyway went to docs and it turns out i have crackling sound and it is coming from my chest so now i'm on antibiotics...still feel awful but the cracking sound is dissapearing somewhat,hope this helps..get well soon.:)

10-02-13, 03:32
I have had that crackling sound many times. My doctor told me that it only takes the tiniest speck of phlegm to enter the windpipe and it can cause this to happen. Also, because of where it is it can be difficult to dry it up so you need to try things like steam inhalation or even swallowing steam to help dry it up. Mine is due to sinus and post-nasal drip. Your's could be due to the same thing.

10-02-13, 04:30
Hi thanks for your comments. The crackling I have is like the candy that pops it is a weird noise. I am going to try an inhalation and see if it is my sinuses. Really hope it is another chest infection! I am so fed up from feeling ill and worrying all the time!!!
I get this all the time, mainly when I am laying down in bed. The description of the candy that pops is exactly how I would describe it. I must admit I have never been significantly worried about it to investigate it, but it has crossed my mind. I have googled the hell out of it, but have never been able to find much info on it.

23-01-16, 15:27
I believe this is a symptom of LPR, or larygopharngeal reflux (often called silent reflux because of the lack of typical GERD symptoms). I have developed this after a months-long bout of sinusitis (my first ever) and pretty much non-stop coughing. The ENT thinks that I've had the the LPR for a year or two. I had had on and off sore throats that would not progress to a cold. I also had a feeling of slight pain in my ears and one or both ears being clogged with these sore throats. I would notice that when I lay dawn at night I would get a tickle in my throat and have to cough. All these are symptoms of LPR. In fact, the sinusitis was most likely caused by the LPR irritating my sinuses, but I had no idea. When I went to an ENT (again, first time ever and I'm 62!), she put a scope down my nose and the first thing she asked was "Do you have GERD?" I replied that I didn't have GERD. She said "Hmm, your vocal cords are quite red, but I guess maybe it's from the sinusitis and post nasal drip it's causing". She proceeded to treat me for sinusitis instead of going the LPR route, which cost me months of ineffective treatment. (Not her fault--I told her I didn't have reflux and she took my word for it). Cultures were always negative, nothing was helping. After five months she referred me to an allergist/immunologist. I was tested for every allergy they can test for an all were negative. Finally the allergist said, "I think your issue is silent reflux. She told me to take Nexium for 30 days. After four days of Nexium everything started to rapidly clear. It was like magic. I was ecstatic. Understand, I have never been sick with anything more than a cold or sore throat in my entire life. I continued taking the Nexium through November and December. I still had a tiny bit of phlegm in the back of my throat causing me to clear my throat a few times a day, but that was it. After a couple of weeks off the Nexium, the symptoms started to come back again. I noticed that crackling in the back of my throat when laying down. Sort of like carbonation bubbles, very slight but I could feel it and I imagine if I asked someone to listen they might be barely able to hear it. Then came the scorched throat, then the ear pain. I was so frightened of getting sick again! I started back on the Nexium and withing two days (today being the third day) the symptoms are abating. No sore throat this morning.

So I think the fizzing/crackling you mention could possibly be from LPR. I never in a million years would have thought I could have reflux. I have always eaten anything I want, including very hot and spicy foods, with no issues at all. I have joked all my life that I have an iron stomach. I don't get the epigastric pain of classic GERD, I am never nauseated, don't get indigestion or gas or have any digestive issues at all. But, I have LPR. The doc said sometimes it;s just that the esophageal sphincters get less competent as we get older, though young people can get this too. I'm not happy about having to take a medication all the time but I don't know what alternative I could have except surgery, which I don't want.

I think many docs don't think of LPR because they are only thinking of the classic GERD symptoms. One thing I have noticed is that I have developed some itchiness of my skin and a feeling of a hair brushing against my skin and a feeling that an ant or a no-see-um is crawling on my skin, mostly on my arms and face. I'm wondering if this could be the Nexium, as I take no other meds and have never experienced this feeling before. I believe the feeling is a type of formication. This symptom has me a little stressed out, but that's for another forum. I hope this helps.