View Full Version : hi all

09-02-13, 14:28
newbie to the group

Hi from me
a 36 year old mum of 3 aged14,12 & 4 years
started suffering panic attacks 7 weeks ago so all a very new and frightening experience.
have been prescribed propranolol & citopram from my gp and have been offered therapy.

09-02-13, 14:38
Hi Ycg3

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-02-13, 14:58
:welcome: ycg. This is a great site. Lots off lovely and helpful people I don't suffer from panic attacks but I do suffer anxiety. I'm also on propranol mixed with Prozac and mirtazipine. There is always someone on here to give you advice and support take care and give the meds time.:)

09-02-13, 15:08
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


10-02-13, 00:24
Hello and a warm welcome to the forum.

Daisy Sue
10-02-13, 01:14
hi ycg3, welcome to the forum :)

panic attacks are horrid, but it makes such a difference to come here and read how other people are experiencing the same things, having the same thoughts, and finding ways to cope.. plus the information pages listed on the left are really really good.

10-02-13, 04:39
thanks for the welcome msg's:)
I have only been suffering for 7 weeks now and finding the attacks very frightening
also have jelly legs
I feel sick/gag most of the day and struggling to eat
am also finding I wake in the early hours and cant get back off to sleep!!

am on propranolol slow releaseg 80mg at night & up to 3x in the day 40mg & also citalopram 1x a day

have just had a good week of getting back into routine- taking daughter to sch & walking the dog (on my own) but on fri (8th feb) I had a blip and cant do anything so back to square one :weep:

Don't want this anxiety to win
but feel like staying in bed all day

Is this a normal thought

Am off work on the sick at the mo - due bk in 2 wks

When is the right time to go back??
HOW LONG YOU HAD OFF ?? and been suffering?

Thanks for the support ppl x:flowers:

14-02-13, 04:55
am still having a bad week of it.......how long do you leave it before returning to your gp???


14-02-13, 06:34
if you are worried go back to your gp tell them all your worries and concerns he should be able to put your mind at rest we all get what they call blips in our recovery i has just been through one myself but feel better today stick with it we will get there hope this helps

14-02-13, 08:31
Hi ycg. I have been of since October and due bck to work end of feb. scary thought. No choice really as I will be going onto half pay ( which I can't afford). In a way I'm looking fwd to the routine. Don't go bck before you feel ready. I have been having anxiety off and on since I was 17 now 44 . Big hugs

---------- Post added at 08:31 ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 ----------

Hi Katy glad your having a better day.:hugs:

14-02-13, 16:47
Sorry to here your not feeling great at the moment.
If you feel worse, just keep going back to the doctors, i also found just reading about it and finding out what works for you as a person takes time and its all trial and error so don't worry if it takes longer than you want it to. Know that it will start to feel better and you will make good slow progress (with the odd bad day too). We have all felt how are you are feeling and we all have good days as well as bad.

14-02-13, 16:51
Hi Ycg3 and welcome.

I always say two steps forward one step back. You will get there.:)

14-02-13, 16:58

I suffered with this dreaded illness for over 30 years on and off.

If you feel your not getting any better go back to gp, 7 weeks is still early days on meds
You may not get on with citalapram and need something else. Doc's always start you with the cheapest med first following protocol. But don't just put up if you know your not getting there, you said you had good week so something working.

Look on the citalapram site under meds on here. Lots of PEEP on it.

Good luck xx.

14-02-13, 18:37
Having a bad day today :-(