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View Full Version : any idea what this could be, feel scared

05-09-06, 13:35
Had a very small black line on face, being the obsesive that I am I picked it off a few times, it came back each time, hasn't grown,but scares me as I think it could be something horrible. Can you get little lines of pigmentation on face, any ideas appreciated.



05-09-06, 13:44
I am not sure, a scab maybe? if its really worrying you see the dr but it deffinatly doesn't sound like anything serious to me.

05-09-06, 13:58
Pigmentation happens deeper into the skin so I don't think you would be able to pick it off. I have no ideas what it could be, apart from a scab as suggested. Does it bleed when you pick it off? Very strange one but I'm sure nothing to worry about!

05-09-06, 18:55
it could be a type of wart depends how long it is or dermatitis


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