View Full Version : Hello from Pennsylvania..thank God for this board

09-02-13, 18:10
hello all...i came across this board today because after last night's panic attack and almost a trip to ER i went searching for a board to comfort my thoughts..a am 39, no kids, no husband and a social worker...i work in the mental health side of things and all day long i work with people with all sorts of mental health issues (which helps me deal with my own issues)..i've had panic/anxiety for years and have always been able to talk myself out of an attack but over the last year, panic/anxiety is getting out of control..at work i can mask it and get through the day but once i'm home oh my do i lose it...my mind races a million miles an hour then my heart starts to race and then my mind starts again...then comes the woozy in the head feeling and the fear of getting up because i think i'm going to pass out...i am currently not on any meds but after last night i think i may have to try something long term...i was given ativan last year as a PRN and haven't taken any in over a year..luckily i took one last night and fell back asleep but woke up still having that feeling...i have been reading some post on here and feel much better...you will be seeing alot of me as i find something that will work..any advice will be greatly appreciated as to what worked for you..thank you all so much and i look forward to becoming a part of this forum family :hugs:

09-02-13, 18:12
Hi and :welcome: to the forum. Sure you will get loads of help and support from it.

09-02-13, 18:16
Hi :welcome:

09-02-13, 18:23
Hi luvlifensmile

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-02-13, 18:40
Hello, and welcome neighbor, I am from Pa. also. I think you will find lots of comfort here. Hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

09-02-13, 19:41
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


10-02-13, 00:30
Hello and welcome.