View Full Version : Getting anxious about return to work

09-02-13, 18:15
My phased return to work starts on Monday :scared15: I will only be going in for 1.5 hours on an afternoon the first week and the next week it will be half term holiday. I will have a new line manager when I return so I decided to send her an email to tell her a little about my illness. She is a nice caring person so I thought maybe it would be a good idea to let her know my fears before I go back. I just wish the first few days were over with as I am sure they are going to be the hardest.
A few of my colleagues have sent me facebook messages saying they are looking forward to seeing me so that should make it easier for me. Oh why do I have to get so anxious about things?!! :scared15:

09-02-13, 18:37
Hi Annie,
I too returned to work last Monday after being off for 3 months, I was a little worried about going back but after a talk with some work colleagues then my line manager everything seemed to get easier. I am only on half days for the first 2 weeks but feel that getting back and working will be good for me. It sound like you have some good friends who will support you at work, do any of them know why you have been off? One of my work friends knows why I was off and has had some problems with anxiety and depression in the past which has help me by talking with him as he understand what I was\am going through. I hope your return to work is as easy as mine has been so far, take it one day at a time and as always look forward to Fridays.:)

09-02-13, 18:45
I have been off 8 months but it was initially due to an accident where I fractured my foot and that triggered my anxiety again. Most of my colleagues know about my anxiety and are quite good about it. I am pleased yours has gone well for you. I am sure mine will, it is just getting the first few days over with :)

09-02-13, 18:51
Annie, I gotta keep up with you. I didn't realize that you go back already. I am so excited for you. You are going to do great, you will be so busy catching up you wont have time to get anxious. I know how you feel though I torture myself everyday about going to work, once I get there, I do get better. So proud of you, and hoping everything goes well for you. I will anxiously be waiting to see how you did. (which I know will be great) You will have many that understand, that will help you get through. Best of luck my friend. :hugs:

09-02-13, 19:20
i can understand why you'd feel this way. i'm very pleased that you have your new line manager, i'd forgotten about that.
I'll be thinking about you............ and here is something you can use for protection should you need it


(wasnt sure whether to do that in case i was being too silly on a serious thread....
but i did it anyway as laughter is, after all, the best medicine)

09-02-13, 19:42
i can understand why you'd feel this way. i'm very pleased that you have your new line manager, i'd forgotten about that.
I'll be thinking about you............ and here is something you can use for protection should you need it


(wasnt sure whether to do that in case i was being too silly on a serious thread....
but i did it anyway as laughter is, after all, the best medicine)

:roflmao: Hmm I may have to use a desk instead to hide behind. I used to lock myself in the office at work when my anxiety was really bad 8 years ago. They had to come in to rescue me :emot-rolleyes: I hope I don't have to start doing that again! You are right, laughter IS the best medicine :roflmao:

09-02-13, 20:09
Annie you will be fine, you have come so far especially in the last few weeks, the first day will be hard and even the second but each day will get easier and knowing that you have half term coming up means that you can see an end and then have a rest ready to face it again but it will not be so hard. xx

09-02-13, 20:35
I have just had an email from my new line manager. She said that even she felt a bit anxious about going back after her maternity leave but after a few sessions felt as if she had never been away. She also said that the kids just treat it like you have just popped out for a pint of milk and come back again. She also told me where to find her if i need any support. This has made me a little calmer about it. x

09-02-13, 21:00
Good luck! I've also returned (to studying) after 7 months off. I've had good and not-so-good days but it's still miles better than being at home dwelling on how crap life is these days. Just think about the sense of triumph you'll have after the first day!

09-02-13, 21:02
Good luck! I've also returned (to studying) after 7 months off. I've had good and not-so-good days but it's still miles better than being at home dwelling on how crap life is these days. Just think about the sense of triumph you'll have after the first day!

I know Lissa, it has really made me worse by being in the house on my own so much and having too much time to dwell on things. I am pleased you have managed to get back to your studies and hope it goes well for you x

09-02-13, 22:20
When I was doing therapy I was signed off for two weeks. When I went back to work I think my bosses were out of their depth. I didn't even have a return to work interview & I think they were the nervous ones.....not me. One of the bosses told me "you look well"! I didn't believe her but when my aunt said it to me a few weeks later.... Then I did believe it.
U r stronger now I believe Annie. More experienced dare a I say? Of course I don't know how it is for you, but remember those kiddies. They love you don't they? That's what u r there for.

09-02-13, 22:39
Good Luck Annie,I am sure you will be ok, One step at a time-------xx:hugs:

10-02-13, 09:58
Thanks Tessar and Magic. My boss will meet with me at the end of each week to monitor how I am doing so I guess that will be helpful.

10-02-13, 18:04
Im in a similar situation, i've only been off a few days though but i've been slipping a bit even before i was off and now i'm due back tomorrow i feel like i'm back to how i was before i got help. It's horrible, i'm just trying to convince myself it'll be ok when i get there, i've been there before and i've done it before and nothings going to hurt me. I'm trying to convince myself anyway...:weep:

10-02-13, 18:05
Im in a similar situation, i've only been off a few days though but i've been slipping a bit even before i was off and now i'm due back tomorrow i feel like i'm back to how i was before i got help. It's horrible, i'm just trying to convince myself it'll be ok when i get there, i've been there before and i've done it before and nothings going to hurt me. I'm trying to convince myself anyway...:weep:

Are you going back phased return?

10-02-13, 18:19
No, i was only off for a cold not an anxiety related issue, but my boss is aware of my situation and like you we catch up every week to see how things are going which helps. I was actually doing better for a little while then it slid, then i caught the cold and was off which i dont think has helped at all, and now it feels like some mammoth thing i have to face tomorrow. I know the reality is quite different, but its difficult to get that to connect if you know what i mean?

10-02-13, 18:28
Good luck tomorrow Annie - I'm sure everything will be fine. It's good you've made some positive sounding contact with the new line manager. When I went back after a few months I didn't have that initial contact and had a line manager who was a bit rubbish. The woman above her was great though. You'll be fine, honest. :)

10-02-13, 18:34
I know the fact that I am worrying that I won't be able to sleep tonight will probably mean I won't :doh: I don't know why I am feeling anxious when I am sure it will go fine :shrug:

10-02-13, 18:42
The human mind can be a wonderful thing at times, but it can be a right pain in the butt at others :tongue:

10-02-13, 18:44
Good luck Annie. It my turn at the end of the month :hugs:

10-02-13, 18:47
The human mind can be a wonderful thing at times, but it can be a right pain in the butt at others :tongue:

My is a pain in the butt most of the time :)

---------- Post added at 18:47 ---------- Previous post was at 18:47 ----------

Good luck Annie. It my turn at the end of the month :hugs:

I hope yours goes well Charlie :)

11-02-13, 00:02
Good luck X

Vegas 2013
11-02-13, 01:20
Hi I am so pleased that your plan to return to work is going so well :) I am back to work on Tuesday and quite worried even though I have been off for a shorter period. I had a meeting last week with my bosses which I think went ok. Some uncomfortable moments with some colleagues though (I am their manager I think some may feel I have gone off and left them in the deep end a bit) so toying with the idea of trying to explain this to them. It sounds like you have some supportive people at your work and the email from your line manager sounds very encouraging! I wish you loads of luck. My mum always says "it will be fine when you get there, you'll see" xx

11-02-13, 02:03
i just went back last week after being off for 6 weeks from brain surgery (which for those of us that have health anxiety would understand that finding out that our health fears have come true is an anxiety all in its own) it was tough for the first few days as i came back to a full 8 hours per day and i am a mental health worker so by days end i didn't know if i was coming or going lol...it's funny that someone with anxiety/panic disorder works for a mental health company...i guess if they say previous drug addicts make good drug and alcohol counselors then people who have lived with mental health issues can make good social workers...i hope all goes well being back to work

11-02-13, 09:37
vegas I hope your return to work goes well and luvlifensmile , that must have been awful for you to go through and I wish you well with your return to work.

11-02-13, 10:03
Good luck Annie, but I know "you'll be fine" ;)

11-02-13, 10:59
Good luck Annie, but I know "you'll be fine" ;)

Thank you, I must admit I am a nervous wreck this morning. Trying to keep myself busy. Have made a casserole for dinner to night. Starting to feel a bit nauseous, shaky and tearful. I have to do this today though, the longer I put it off the worse it will be :(

11-02-13, 12:38
:hugs:Hi Annie,
I hope it goes well, it sounds good about your line manager. I think we spoke before [I'm a teacher who left her job at Christmas due to the anxiety]. I've found that doing supply is both a challenge and a blessing. However perhaps more on the blessing side as I haven't needed to visit here in a while. Feeling anxious at present but not as bad as it was. I like to know when the work is coming and of course I don't just now.
So good luck, the kids will be so pleased to see you,

11-02-13, 12:40
Thank you Teresa, At least I only have to go in for the last lesson this week so will just see how it goes x

11-02-13, 12:43
Good luck Annie, once you get your foot through the door you will be fine and amazed at how quick it went xxx

11-02-13, 16:11
I'm back!! :D It went really well, feel like I have never been away from the place. The students were pleased to see me and some acted like I had never even been away. I feel so much more confident and 'me' now :) Thank you so much for your support everyone. This morning I felt like saying I couldn't do it but you all encouraged me :)

11-02-13, 16:14
BRILLIANT WELL DONE ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yahoo::yaho o:
:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:: yahoo::yahoo:
:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:: yahoo::yahoo:

11-02-13, 16:22
Brilliant Annie that's a great start x

11-02-13, 16:33
Well done Annie!!!!!! :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

11-02-13, 16:34
Thank you BikerMatt :)
Col, I really hope that it will work out for you soon also x

11-02-13, 17:00
Annie well done ,so pleased that it worked for you.it must of been the right time for you.heres to the future.x

11-02-13, 17:11
So pleased for you Annie. xxxx :hugs:

11-02-13, 18:31
I'm so, so pleased it went well! I've been thinking about you all day :)

11-02-13, 18:36
Great stuff!!! So glad it went well. Well done Annie! :yesyes:

11-02-13, 18:38
Thank you everyone :)

11-02-13, 19:33
I knew you would be ok, well done Annie, it just proves that you have to wait until the time feels right. xx

11-02-13, 19:36
:yesyes: Oh well done Annie, you were in my thoughts today - I am so pleased it went well for you and thanks for all the support you are giving me too. You give me hope that I will know when the time's right for me too! :hugs:

11-02-13, 19:40
Thanks everyone :)
Sunshine I was feeling a bit bad tonight as I was saying how well my day has gone but I know that others are struggling to get back to work and I was worried I would make others feel worse so I am pleased I am giving you hope. You will be able to do it, A few months ago I couldn't get out of bed, was crying day and night and just felt like I wanted to die, so we really can make improvement and see the light at the end of the tunnel. :hugs::hugs:

11-02-13, 19:45
What fantastic news Annie, You must be very tired, but it mush have done wonders for your self confidence.

I know a lot of people are struggling with the thought of returning to work, but your success must now give them more hope knowing it can be done.

11-02-13, 20:39


---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

Awwwwwww listen to you Annie, kind and considerate..... everyone is glad to hear how well u r doing as you're an inspiration to people.
You deserve success as reward for your efforts and your support to everyone here.

11-02-13, 20:41
Thank you Bobby dog and Tessar :)

11-02-13, 20:49
Well done Annie! I'm so pleased it went well for you, hope the remainder of your week is just as good and your confidence continues to grow!


11-02-13, 20:52
Great news and maybe a bit of inspiration for those of us struggling to get back out there! xxx

11-02-13, 20:52
The good thing about it is I have a day off tomorrow as I don't work Tuesdays so then I only have a few hours a day until the weekend then a weeks holiday to prepare myself for longer hours :)

11-02-13, 21:08
The good thing about it is I have a day off tomorrow as I don't work Tuesdays so then I only have a few hours a day until the weekend then a weeks holiday to prepare myself for longer hours :) Does that make u a part-time part-timer

11-02-13, 21:12
Does that make u a part-time part-timer

Haha, I guess for now. Hopefully I will get back to full time by 18th March, that is the plan anyway. :unsure: Where are all your little friends tonight Tessar? Some of them were quite badly behaved this afternoon :ohmy:

---------- Post added at 21:12 ---------- Previous post was at 21:11 ----------

I see you also dicovered the coloured font?

11-02-13, 21:43
Where are all your little friends tonight Tessar?
Theyre here .......:noangel::flowers::noangel::flowers::yesyes ::hugs::blush:

but not the bad boys...... they have been banned.......
:nonono::sly::ban::wtf1::bansign::oopsie::eek::WTF ::redcard::dribble::w00t2:

I sure have discovered the coloured font.....it's so cool, but doesn't work very well on my device. It's a touch screen but if my fingertips r cold it doesn't always notice what I type,plus the buttons r sometimes too small
If I'm on the proper computer I can do all sorts of ppretty things!

11-02-13, 22:00
Pleased tohearthatTessar:winks::lisa::bighug::confused::em ot-sleepyhead:

12-02-13, 02:06
Great Job Annie!!!!!!!! I knew you could do it. :)

12-02-13, 11:32
Great Job Annie!!!!!!!! I knew you could do it. :)

Thank you Debbi :)

13-02-13, 16:52
My second day back. I was quite anxious about going there in the snow today and to make it more stressful There were no spaces in the car park :weep: I had to park over the road in a side street and was terrified walking over to work in case I slipped :scared15: The afternoon went quite well though and I called at M&S food to get a Valentines meal for 2 for tomorrow night :). I got home and my lovely neighbour had been out and cleared all the snow from my drive ready for me getting home so that cheered me up. On my own tonight and hoping I will sleep better than the 3 hours I had last night!

13-02-13, 17:18
Your doing great Annie and yep snow has hit us again! Still you've coped soo well! :yesyes:

13-02-13, 17:22
we have about 4 inches now...I was so pleased my neighbour had cleared my drive. Only 2 afternoons to go then half term :) I had to go out for blood tests this morning so twice out in the snow!

13-02-13, 18:14
Glad you have had another successful day Annie. Really pleased for you :hugs:xx

13-02-13, 18:20
Glad you have had another successful day Annie. Really pleased for you :hugs:xx

How are you? Did you call your doctors?

13-02-13, 19:17
Well done Annie, every day will get easier and you had the added problem of the snow today so coped really well. xx

13-02-13, 19:18
Sorry Annie yes I did. Due to staff training only open for half a day, so am hoping they call me back tomorrow. xx

13-02-13, 19:24
Well done Annie, every day will get easier and you had the added problem of the snow today so coped really well. xx

I got a bit tearful when I couldn't find a parking place then almost got stuck in the snow! I was very tempted to just go back home but didn't x

13-02-13, 19:52
That must make you feel good about yourself though that you did not give up, I remember getting to the carpark where I work one day thinking I don't think I can cope with the walk through the property, but i just took one step at a time and was ok and managed to stay a few hours, it made me feel better within myself and of course it was easier next time.


13-02-13, 20:14
It did make me feel better because at one time I would have just cried and gone home then felt worse.

13-02-13, 20:42
Hi Annie so pleased everything is falling into place for you.glad you are enjoying your time back at work.sounds like you are going to have a lovely evening with your love one tomorrow night.you deserve to get out and enjoy yourself.take care x

13-02-13, 20:47
Great news Annie, so glad it's going well - please keep telling us about it; you're an inspiration :hugs:

13-02-13, 21:07
Thank you Jean and Sunshine :) xx

13-02-13, 22:14
My second day back. I was quite anxious about going there in the snow today and to make it more stressful There were no spaces in the car park :weep: I had to park over the road in a side street and was terrified walking over to work in case I slipped :scared15: The afternoon went quite well though and I called at M&S food to get a Valentines meal for 2 for tomorrow night :). I got home and my lovely neighbour had been out and cleared all the snow from my drive ready for me getting home so that cheered me up. On my own tonight and hoping I will sleep better than the 3 hours I had last night!
My friends and I (does that make me sound important, a bit like the Queen??)
Would like to congratulate u on your latest amazing achievement.
:):D:yesyes::whistles::welcome::bighug1::noangel:: huh::hugs::grouphug::laugh::notworthy::tongue::emo t-highfive::emot-highfive::emot-highfive:

13-02-13, 22:26
Thank you Tessar and friends :D