View Full Version : Pssst sounds in ear when moving my eyes

09-02-13, 19:28
Hi haven't been here in a long while.

Can anyone help? Anyone experienced this?

When I move my eyes quickly, or turn my head fast, I get a rapid "psszt psszt psszt pzzst" sound in my head, it isnt like my tinnitus which is a constant high pitched whine. It really bothers me. It was really bad last year when I came off sertraline 2011 and I only hear it occasionally now, but it worries me.

Also when I look to the extreme left while looking at something I see a watery looking flash in the corner of my eye. Any ideas anyone?

Thank you. Nice to be back. Sort of. You know what I mean x

Your sincerely,

09-02-13, 22:24
Hi,are you on any meds?

15-02-13, 17:50
Hi, :)
I used to be on Sertraline (zoloft) and it was worse just after I finished taking them.

15-02-13, 21:04
Not sure if this is the same but when I close my eyes tight or yawn I get a sort of rumbling noise, kind of like quiet rumbling thunder in my ears..!

Anyone else get this?!

30-12-16, 00:22

I was beginning to think I was the only person who has experienced this. I get the whoosh/pssst sound when I look left or right quickly. I can also hear a similar sound if I turn my head rapidly in either direction. I too have tinnitus - mine pulses with my heartbeat.

I am on Sertraline but not sure its related to that. Maybe its this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-14308474

Did yours clear up in the end?

30-12-16, 01:10
Hi Claire,

I had something similar when I came off Paroxetine. Just as I shut my eyes I would get a zzzt sensation in my head. Actually I quite liked it!! I wondered if it was a mild case of the famous 'zaps' caused by Paroxetine withdrawal.

BTW Lily, yes I get the rumbling too! Oh boy the things we HA's study!

Oops, just realised this is an ancient thread. Oh well, hi Familyman instead!

09-01-17, 22:49
I got this when I came off sertraline last year! It does eventually stop :)