View Full Version : I wish I could stay feeling the way I feel today

05-09-06, 14:36
Today I am having a good day. Some really nice things have happened over the weekend and my health worries are being completely overridden by good stuff at the moment.

I got my test results back from my GP today and everything is normal, so she can now conclude I have IBS and nothing worse.

I am having fortnightly counselling for my anxiety, which I have mixed feelings about, but I'm sure is a step in the right direction and I intend to make the most of it.

I still have all my usual symptoms; heart palps, pins and needles, mouth ulcers, dodgy tummy, but today they are not worrying me, I feel really quite relaxed.

I'm hoping this is a step forward, but I remember having a few days a while ago when I felt like this, only to hit rock bottom again when something went wrong, so I don't want to get my hopes up too much.

I just wanted to post this so that when I am having a bad day I have something to refer back to and hopefully my positive feelings from today will come flooding back to me!

05-09-06, 14:54
Do you know those days are lovely arent they....i wish they lasted...i hope they do for you...i dont know why we get the good days then the bad days come and bring us crash back down again...
keep the positive thinking going and its great when we can just accept our symptoms as just anxiety and nothing else...
good luck i hope it is a step in the right direction x

05-09-06, 18:45
Hi there, What a lovely post you have written! Why shouldn't it last? You have been told what the problems are, you can cope with them, and on most days accept them, so enjoy the rest of your life!!! Of course you will have bad days everyone does, that's life. take care and thank you for that lovely post!!! xxx

polly daydream
05-09-06, 19:05
Hi, glad all your test results are clear and I hope that you carry on feeling positive, enjoy it.

Take care,

Polly x

05-09-06, 19:26
Who says you cant feel this way forever?!! just keep busy, surround yourself with positive things and when a thought starts to intrude, just occupy your mind.
Easy said i know, but being positive the way you are is worth fighting for.
Becci x

05-09-06, 23:22
Wouldn't it be nice if we could 'bottle it' for another day or too share with others lol.
How do you know this feeling won't last? Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Enjoy your good feelings and hold onto them,

love anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

25-09-06, 15:12
I haven't been on this website for a couple of weeks, and so I thought I'd do a quick post to let you all know how I have been getting on. I feel it's too soon to post as a "success story" but hopefully I am getting there!

I have continued with the counselling (which has uncovered some stuff that was buried from childhood, nothing major but has made me understand myself a bit better). Helping me to understand why I feel like I do seems to be very beneficial to me.

I am also continuing with the Reiki, which is just wonderful. I can't explain how much this helps, but I feel blessed to have found my healer - she tells me my head is full of "spaghetti" and she is helping to clear it all out!

I am still taking St Johns Wort, Vitamin B complex and Evening Primrose oil, and still trying to keep to a healthy diet, exercise, etc. (although far too much alcohol lately).

Sadly, my friend died last week, which we were all expecting, but is so sad nevertheless. I think it was her diagnosis and decline that triggered my anxiety, and it has been very difficult seeing her in so much pain.

However, despite all that has been going on, I feel that although I am still anxious, I am not as bad as I have been and it hasn't got the better of me. I am sad, I am still suffering various symptoms from time to time, but I think in my head I have separated my life from my friends and am no longer thinking of myself as ill, if this makes sense. So I am able to accept the tummy pains, IBS, palpitations, etc as my reaction to stress rather than some awful disease.

I think I will always be the kind of person who's heart stops at the mention of "cancer", but as long as it is a split-second panic then I think I can deal with it. It's when it takes over my life, like it did for the best part of this year, that it's a problem.

I can only hope that things continue for me as they are, but I am determined to get my life back to normal and I am now very aware of taking time out for ME in order to aid my recovery.

I wish you all well and I will report back again soon!