View Full Version : Sudden bursts of Tinnitus

09-02-13, 19:53
My tinnitus started with a sudden loud burst of ringing for about 5 seconds in either ear, then one day it happened and didn't stop :P nearly 2 months on and it's still going.
I still get burts of loud tinnitus in my ears, is that meaning my tinnitus is getting worse? or is it going to get louder? not sure :(
if anyone has tinnitus could they explain how it works please.

09-02-13, 20:01
Iv got this at the moment caused by fluid behind the eardrum been prescribed mucodyne- finally took it today after messy thoughts in my mind.

Tinnitus is common after cold is what iv been told x

09-02-13, 20:28
Years ago I had tinnitus, but it was like the sound of a lorry with the engine on.
I had it mainly at night when trying to get to sleep. I was very stressed at that time.I went to see GP and he gave me some tablets. It went.
I think maybe they treat it differently now. i don't know!!

09-02-13, 21:23
oh the aul tinitus im having tbus at the moment its like a motor running i n my right ear and its doing my head in ive got alot of sinus congestion so maybe uts tbat

tinitus and anxiety go hand in gand but whatever you do dont google it as in dont google tinitus cos some crazy stuff co.e up

09-05-13, 22:16
having the same ...very low tinnitus on left ear....then suddenly i get a high pitched burst for a few seconds which then gradually drops off...while this happens i have an instant adrenaline shock...its weird..think anxiety and stress really do play a part..waiting on an MRI scan report now which is making me panic but best to know. any more with these symptoms make sure you add to the post people..love to all

10-05-13, 01:53
having the same ...very low tinnitus on left ear....then suddenly i get a high pitched burst for a few seconds which then gradually drops off...while this happens i have an instant adrenaline shock...its weird..think anxiety and stress really do play a part..waiting on an MRI scan report now which is making me panic but best to know. any more with these symptoms make sure you add to the post people..love to all

Hi there, I get the exact same symptoms as you often accompanied by slight dizziness. I have found the cause to be a slight dip in blood pressure. Very common in females. Ringing ears are common with low bp. It won't do you any harm and I think an MRI is unnecessary. Just a sign of slightly reduced blood flow to ears. Good luck!

14-05-13, 01:57

I was worried about the EXACT same thing for a while. I was constantly thinking "wtf? this ringing isn't normal" I know that googling isn't the best thing to do but in this situation it actually helped me. I learnt that anxiety is one of the main causes of tinnitus. It's a vicious cycle. My anxiety would cause the tinnitus and then I'd get more anxious because I had tinnitus :/

25-05-13, 02:16
I have tinnitus too. It started a month ago or more. It has got less now but I can have different tones and frequencies, and I do get the high pitched burst too, and got less as well. I got worried about this and I found out that I have hard wax deep inside my ears. I was fine before all of this happened and the vibrations started as well with the tinnitus... not nice feeling.

25-05-13, 08:13
I get like a flatline noise in my ear, sometimes loud, sometimes quiet but I can still hear? Anybody else?

25-05-13, 17:55
I've suffered with tinnitus for years...it never completely goes and i've had it for about 10 years!! Some days i can hardly hear it. Some days its loud n i have to distract myself or it would drive me mad. Usually its a low-level buzzing but now and again i'll get a high pitched whining for a few minutes.

Over the years i've noticed it is worse with stress and also if i have a cold