View Full Version : Don't understand why?

09-02-13, 20:28
Hello all. I'm 23 and i've only been diagnosed with anxiety for just over a month, but knowing the feelings and symptoms now i'm pretty sure i've had it underlaying for a while. What set me of so bad that i felt i had to go see a GP was starting a job, and the first week was hell. I was emotionally all over the place (floods of tears one second, fits of anger the next), felt physically ill and exhausted on all levels, and just kept reeling into this uncontrollable panic with no real trigger occurring, just sitting getting on with work and then it would spring on me. My GP was excellent, very understand and sympathetic. I was prescribed propanolol to stop the springing attacks and it did work, i started feeling much more in control and with the aid of some techniques i found here and other places i managed to feel better, but then suddenly my mood just dipped and it's all coming back on. I keep asking "why?" though.

The job i have is good, everyone is nice and i've spoken with my boss about these feelings and they were really great about it, my family and boyfriend all know and are all very supportive and there for me when i need them, and like i said my GP was great. I know i'm in a good safe situation but i keep feeling so scared, hopeless and mostly down. Part of me wonders if it has anything to do with the propanolol (i made a thread in that section asking others on it if they experienced something similar) but i really don't know what's going on. Like i said i've definitely had feelings of anxiety before but i've never know what it was, now i do and i'm trying to tame it i feel suddenly new to it all. I don't know how i coped before and i'm not sure how i can continue to cope now :shrug: It's part of why i joined this forum, i'm not scared to talk about my anxiety, i just hope it helps. Has anyone else found themselves just anxious seemingly for no reason?

09-02-13, 20:30
Hi :welcome: and Yes I quite often feel anxious and don't know why. I am sure you will find lots of support here :)

10-02-13, 09:41
Hi Annie
I understand your frustration although I am much older and male i,m going through similar feelings at work . I started a new security job which is the best job ever in a beautiful modern building but my last security job put my panic and anxiety off the scale so I drank to calm it down . Im much happier and content in this new job but for some reason the panic still springs on me out of the blue
.. its so baffling . I am trying to apply Claire Weekes way of handling it and moving into it , accepting and letting time pass rather than fighting it . I am sure in time it will switch off . I am on my last day of 4 days off and feel not too bad so heres hoping . I cant comment on your propanolol as i dont take meds but i,d advice talking to gp again. I also cant praise Claire Weekes audio cd "pass though panic" highly enough , she explains it all so well in her calming but firm voice .I play her audio on my phone at work ( people think its music haha ) .
Try to gain as much understanding as possible .
You will be well again Annie .
