View Full Version : Hi - OCD/anxiety sufferer looking for advice

09-02-13, 23:27
Hi all,

I've been lurking here for a while but events have been coming to a head and I thought it best that I finally make a posting.

I have coped with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder since I was a child - I was diagnosed when I was 19 and was on citalopram from then till one and a half years ago, when I came off them.

I was OK when I stopped taking them but since the start of 2012 my OCD started to get bad again - I have thoughts that I will harm people that are close to me, especially at night. It was getting to the point that it was getting in the way of relationships and I thought it best that I go back on citalopram. My GP suggested I go back on at 20mg for a few weeks.

After taking two doses tho I started to feel the most intense anxiety I have ever experienced. I had a panic attack that was followed with several days of feeling restless with OCD thoughts. Thoughts would run through my head that I would run off, or freak out. For the first time I had this feeling like I had "brain fog" - like I couldn't focus or concentrate on things or found it really hard to do so. In one case I went to the supermarket just to buy a meal and I found it hard just picking what I wanted. I also started having palpitations and a constant feeling that something bad was going to happen. Panic attacks have come and gone - usually I've dealt OK with the symptoms, now and again I haven't and I have freaked out. One night I drove to my local hospital thinking I needed immediate help and that I was going mental. I didn't, and nothing bad has happened through all of this - except that I have gradually become more withdrawn, tending to prefer staying in than going out. I feel tense and like there is a weight in my head, and I often feel a little detached and almost dizzy. The lack of clarity is what I find the most scary sometimes. The symptoms - which have lasted several months - scared me so much I stopped taking citalopram after a couple of days.

Anyway - I've been to the GP and seen a psychiatrist. Both have proscribed me different SSRIs. I'm very reluctant to take another one after what happened and I am a little fearful that I have been on them so long that a) they won't be doing me any good and b) they could be making me worse. I'm told that there is a very long waiting list for CBT so meds have been touted to me as the only option. That and reading books.

I am very weary of taking more medication and I wonder if some members can give me some reassurance - I've been proscribed 50mg setraline to be taken daily. I'd also like to hear that my symptoms are anxiety and not something else.


09-02-13, 23:37
Hi snooo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-02-13, 23:54
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.
