View Full Version : Bad week and now I have shingles :(

09-02-13, 23:44
Title says it all really. I've had a stressful week, not been getting on with boyf and had an 18 hour round trip from bristol to aberdeen to visit my family which always makes me insane with anxiety. Felt really run down when I came back and developed a weird burning sensation all over my back and a bad headache. I don't have a rash (thank god!) but doc thinks it's probably shingles and that I'm just too stressed out and tired. Pretty fed up with life in general right now :weep: Sorry not a very interesting post but needed a moan!

10-02-13, 01:01
Im sorry you're having a rough time, take a big hug :bighug1: Indulge in some ice cream too, it'll cool the heat down and the tryptophan in it will help you calm a little, plus ice cream is just good fun :D

10-02-13, 09:49
Your body is telling you to rest, I have had shingles and it is a very debilitating virus, sleep, eat and recouperate. You will need a couple of weeks to get over this.xxx

10-02-13, 10:03
Thanks guys. Feeling very pathetic and sorry for myself. Away to take the dog for a long walk, get some ice cream and zone out in front of a good film. I have dvd's for days like these - I think it's Gone with the Wind or Laurence of Arabia for today :) x