View Full Version : Itching all over?

10-02-13, 04:31
Hi all,

About a week ago I started to have an itch that covers most of my body and comes and goes. One moment it's on the scalp, then arms, then feet, then back, etc etc. I've had lymphoma (2002), but my doctor says this is my anxiety and OCD coming through.

Anybody experience itching with their anxiety/ocd/panic? I'm always quite worried about my health and always feel as if the doc always attributes it to my "crazy way of thinking." She of course says I'm not crazy, and that it's normal after a traumatic event...

I'd love to hear from any and all of you. Thanks!

10-02-13, 09:34
I am afraid that it yet another form of anxiety though some people tend to have drier skin than others and a moisturiser may help.

10-02-13, 10:26
Yes, I itch with anxiety. Many other people do as well. I also have dry skin and eczema, which obviously doesn't help. I know my itching is anxiety-based because it goes away when I'm busy or not thinking about it. I still worry about it though, such is the nature of HA! Try moisturising your skin if it feels dry, distract yourself from worrying as best you can and hopefully you will feel much better. Also, never ever google your symptoms! The internet is useful for many things, but definitely not for any medical issues as it usually jumps to the worst case scenario. Trust your doctor, not google!

Good luck!

10-02-13, 11:18

I have had this several times during my anxiety over the years, mine was caused by anxiety.


10-02-13, 11:28
Yes I have eczema sometimes and just itchy skin at others - I've been told it's due to anxiety.
My husband had it so bad he broke out in hives which caused more anxiety and in turn more hives until he was covered, even his scalp and the bottom of his feet.
It was only after a few days and when he calmed down that it disappeared.
Very strange how anxiety can do this to a person's skin.

10-02-13, 17:52
Thanks! I've thought about that, but my mind can't accept that I've been here every winter and just haven't had this itch before!

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I have had this several times during my anxiety over the years, mine was caused by anxiety.


Thanks Red. It's quite an annoyance isn't it!

10-02-13, 23:02
I haven't broken out at all... although I have noticed a few very small whitehead looking things.