View Full Version : Does anyone else keep getting colds\sore throats?

10-02-13, 08:51
I am starting to get really fed up. We are not even 2 weeks into February and I am already on my third cold for the year! I expect to a cold or so around winter time, but then I would expect to be immune for a while. It is true that at the moment everyone I seem to come in contact with is coughing and sneezing all over the show, so it's hardly surprising! I am just starting to irritated, as I take every precaution going (vitamins, zinc, pro-biotics, fruit and veg, I get at least 8 hours sleep every night), yet less than 3 weeks after having a bad bout of cold, I am now suffering with a sore throat again and sneezing! That'll be another 10 days of being uncomfortable and getting tired-I cant call in sick over a cold! Has anyone else on here suffered from more colds than usual this year? The temperatures here have been very low and I guess more people are tired and weaker as a result! I am just starting to get a bit worried, as I feel like I am getting colds too much!!!!

10-02-13, 09:20
Iv had one since thr 15th dec (ish)- not in my mind docs confirmed haha. One thing after the other- really gets you thinking away from our cold climate in the winter- IF ONLY I COULD STEP ON THE PLANE :yesyes:

10-02-13, 09:22
I never usually get a cold ... I suffer from Hay fever and that's usually it in summer, but don't get colds. I too take everything to avoid them and am usually fine but not this year!! Am getting really fed up as I want to go a visit a new pair of twins in the family and I daren't as I don't want to pass this on. I know at least 6 other people who are the same ... what is it about this bug?? (Mind you, I'd rather have this than Norovirus!!)

10-02-13, 09:32
I've had loads to and I was doing the oh no it's not normal to get this many colds ! Woke up this morning with the sorest throat and cold I've had about 3 since November now , but tbf everyone i know has them at the moment so I wouldn't worry ( although that dosent stop me worrying ) lol must listen to my own advice x

10-02-13, 09:34
Well, my last cold (which started about 4 weeks ago), lasted about 12 days and the symptoms were quite harsh (sore throat, lots of mucus, headache, blocked sinuses). My boyfriend always says after I have had a cold that my immunity will be up now, but I think that because there are so many different strains of cold, you can have one, then a week later get another different one. It's also luck dependant. If you mix with 500 people every day and nobody has a cold, you won't get one. If you mix with 10 people every day and one of them has a cold, you will be at a higher risk-so it's all randomness. I just hate having a cold so much as it plays havoc with my health anxiety issues and I fear getting a horrible flu etc. But I agree Grape, better than Norovirus!!!

10-02-13, 13:24
I have 4 friends each of whom have had severe colds since before Xmas, there just seems no end to it at the moment. They really would like to visit me but because of my chemo/radiotherapy I dare not let them near me. I do hope you feel better soon. PS; I am using First Defence nasal spray to keep germs at bay, its not particularly cheap but does work for me and my partner.

10-02-13, 13:52
I agree colds are a nuisance. If you are like me I can go ages without one, and then its like a bus three come along at once and its literally one cold after another. Please do not worry too much about the fact that you seem to be getting colds in quick succession at the moment, the weather and the heating in our homes have a lot to do with it, and when you take into account that there are over 200 different cold viruses floating about, its no wonder that people are suffering more with them at the moment. Come spring and summer it will start to ease up, hope you feel better soon.

10-02-13, 18:18
Thank you all very much for your kind words. I is re-assuring for me. I think I am just getting upset, because this cold weather has taken its toll on me, my anxiety has been very bad the last couple of months and I am finding work quite stressful at the moment as well...Then these constant nasty colds all the time. They just run me down so much and make me feel so so tired. It's obviously not nice that a lot of others have cold viruses at the moment, but at least I can take from that, that it's not just me. And yes, with 200 strains of it, the risk of getting a dose now and then is pretty high...Well, thank you all for your nice words and well-wishes. I wish you all well too and hope that in a few weeks time we'll see some more of that Sun. :)