View Full Version : Yet another newbie!

05-09-06, 15:41
Was diagnosed with anxiety about four weeks ago after thinking I'd got an ear infection because of all the nausea and dizziness. Had panic attacks before in the middle of the night but it's the first time I've been disgnosed with anxiety. The panic attacks didn't occur that often and I soon learnt to deal with them. Been off work for about four weeks now and I'm hoping to be well enough to go back soon but on the other hand I don't want to rush back before I'm ready because I have lots of face to face contact with lots of different people who can themselves be stressed out at times.
Anyway I've been on cipramil for 4 weeks now - 10mg a day. First week was awful with the various side effects. Second and third week things began to improve but this week has seemed more difficult. I've been waking up at three in the morning with my brain racing about nothing in particular. So I'm thinking whether the cipramil wears off for me around about that time. I normally take my tablet in the morning but I'm considering splitting it and taking half in the morning and half later on in the day. Was also meant to have a dr's appt. today but I got the time wrong[8)] luckily they squeezed me in later in this week.
I've certainly got more of an understanding of what my husband goes through now as he's suffered from anxiety for years.

05-09-06, 15:50

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

05-09-06, 16:08

I'm new to the forum too, but i wish you all the best. I would also discuss splitting your tablet with you doctor as most of them are slow releasing. I hope this is of help and hope to see you around in the future.



05-09-06, 16:13
Hi Ellen

I went on 20mg of Cipramil about 2 weeks ago, first week a little groggy, this week I don't feel anything at all different. I would definitely discuss the level and the dose time with the doc, I've heard cipramil can be a bit dodgy to come off if not handled in the right way.

I've only been here for a day but people are helpful knowledgeable and friendly. The chat room is good too.

Dom x

“There is a certain sort of man who ignores his own good qualities but is tormented by his bad ones, this is the man who writes about himself.”
-W. Somerset Maugham

05-09-06, 16:13
Hi there and welcome.You may be waking up due to the anxiety.I wake up sometimes several times in the night and early hours of the morning.
Dont rush back to work unless you feel ready.I have just been of for two weeks with anxiety.
You will find lots of help and advice here there all really lovely people.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

05-09-06, 16:47
hello im still finding my way round the site but its very good!!!

Granny Primark
05-09-06, 18:21
Welcome to this great site.
I wont take antidepressants cus ive got a fear of the side affects.
I too wake up in the night. Sometime only once or twice but last night it was every hour.
This happens when ive been particularly anxious during the day.
Take care

05-09-06, 18:30
Welcome butterscotch, i was on citalopram and the dr told me that by the next morning it usually wears off. I was on i think 20mg (thought it was 40) and by the time i woke i was a right old mess as it had worked out of my system but after a few weeks my body adjusted to it and i think it became constatn. If you find you are struggling on a small dose maybe see your GP about upping it a bit. I went up and down on Citalopram from 20mg to 5mg then back up again as i could feel i wasn't quite ready to come off.
Glad you got in to see the doc, nothing worse than missing an appointment you really need.

05-09-06, 18:33

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


polly daydream
05-09-06, 18:44
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


05-09-06, 18:47
Hi Butterscotch

Welcome to the forum, you will find lots of useful information and support here. I too am on the same medication as you and find that i feel better if i take my meds at night although i am on a higher dose than you 20mg.


05-09-06, 19:14

welcome to the forum


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

05-09-06, 20:14
welcome to the forum! i hope you meet lots of new people on this site, there a great bunch
all the best

06-09-06, 10:52
Hi there :D


There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



When you fear something
learn as much about it as you can
Knowledge conquers fear.

06-09-06, 11:01
hello butterscotch.So glad you found this forum,it has been a life saver for me!Cant advice in the meds ,only to check with yur dr about your dosage.Hope you are feling better today.love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

06-09-06, 11:13
Thanks for the very warm welcome everyone. Had a better nights sleep last night only woke at 4am instead of 3am!! Just stayed awake for 30 minutes though.