View Full Version : Im new Just introducing myself

10-02-13, 14:34
Hi my names Mark. I came across this site looking for people who have the same problems as me. I have suffered from anxiety for years. Over the past couple of years it's been getting worse. I get really bad panic attacks three times daily, even more sometimes. I get pains in my chest pins and needles and my hands and feeling like i'm going to die any second. It's really having a horrible impact on my life. I try telling myself it's only anxiety but it does'nt seem to help at all. Nothing seems to trigger them they just hit me. I'm on medication that stops me from shaking but the other things dont go away. I'm currently doing cbt but it doesnt seem to be helping at all. The only time i have a break from the anxiety is when i'm asleep, which it's hard to get to sleep most nights of fear of not waking up. Feels like im going crazy. Anyway heres my introduction thanks for reading. :weep:

10-02-13, 14:46
Hi markshope

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-02-13, 14:54
Hi Mark. You're at the right place. This site has been my buddy through thick and thin for a number of years and I've made some good friends here. There's loads of information that will help you to gain an understanding and eventually control over this disorder. I know what you're going through, but believe me, you WILL recover.
Here you will find people who are experiencing the exact same symptoms as you so you won't feel so alone anymore. This is your first step forward towards recovery. Good luck!

10-02-13, 15:03
Welcome Mark.becky is so right in all she says.

It sometimes takes courage to express oneself on an Open Forum but you have done the right thing and in time will make good friends on here.

10-02-13, 15:07
Hi Mark :welcome:

10-02-13, 16:54
Hello and welcome

10-02-13, 18:04
Hi Mark, This site is great for support, it has helped me. CBT didn't help me either - it's about trying to get you to think differently about stuff so you don't stress out/panic feel sureal etc, but when it's happening, no amount of calm thoughts will help. Have you tried counsellign where you just talk about stuff? Sometimes this brings up emotions that you didn't know were bothering you and then at least you could work on that. I you living one life trying to be something you are not, or something to somebody that you are not?
The anxiety that I suffer seemed to come out of nowhere, I thought I was happily going through life, now I am in a different life completely and although it is taking me a long time to accept it, I can see what was affecting me before. This isn't a complete cure for me, I think I am made emotionally on the edge, but I am learnign to accept this more nit by bit and trying to just be me for me.
A few years ago,I didn't even get a wink of sleep for weeks, I was scared I about every emotion thought and feeling and scared I would do something stupid to myself - crazy thoughts! Your thoughts of fear dying are just those of a tired mind, stuck in a rut of negativity about the same thought day in day out, your mind needs a rest. I have a good book about stuff like this and it says, let the thoughts come, don't fear them, accept them for what they are and soon they lose their impact. Hope this helps a little. pp x

10-02-13, 18:32
Hi Mark,
You are not alone in this. I to now suffer with anxiety and it came out of no where about a year ago. The doctor just put me on Lexepro and I hope it helps me. I was a very easy going person that liked to go camping, spend time with family, shop, etc. Now I'm afraid to do anything with the thought that my anxiety will hit @ any moment. Are you taking any medicine for your anxiety and panic attacks?

10-02-13, 18:45

10-02-13, 21:12
i'm new to the board also and so far i have found it to have so much information...and just reading some posts on others anxiety/panic, i am already feeling a little more at ease with my recent symptoms....good luck with your journey to recovery

12-02-13, 20:27
Hi Thankyou all for making me feel welcome. Thank's for making me feel a litlle better about hearing what you all have to say. Makes me feel that i'm not going insane. Im currently taking maztazapine 45mg once a night, zopiclone 7.5mg every night and diazipam 2mg 2 twice daily when needed. I've tried lot's of different medications in the past i.e busprone, cirtraline, zenaflexine, citrilapram, dithiapin amongst others, hope i have put the right spelling for these med's. I'm really struggling at work to sit there and put a smile on things and try my best to act normal, when at the same time a feel like my end is up any second no matter how much i try to accept it's what is a panic attack nothing more. Purplepie i really get where your coming from about being emotionally on edge i feel that way all the time. I feel so tired and drained, it's having a massive impact and my relationship too. I just sit there and hardly engage in conversation properly because i cant stop feeling the constant tingling in my hands tight chest and pains. I'm that busy trying to fight the panic i can't concentrate, i don't know if that makes any sense. Also does anyone get what i can only describe as rushes of adrenaline out of nowhere spreading from there head downwards through there body, thats somthing else thats happens a lot. Thankyou all again for your kind words and making me feel welcome.