View Full Version : gut instinct vs fear about a man?

10-02-13, 19:21
hi I need some help!
do you think that anxiety disorder sufferers can have a gut instinct? or is it all just anxiety/hypervigilence
My 'issue' is that I joined a dating site a while back:blush: and I met a guy who I've been talking to but I've got gnawing doubts, I met him for the first time today and we got on really well- he asked me on a date as opposed to just meeting up and although I did enjoy myself I'm still feeling this scared feeling.
People talk about having a gut instinct but I don't know whether this is just that I'm scared to start a relationship and maybe get hurt
anyone have any thoughts?

10-02-13, 19:33

Is there anything in particular that's making you feel wary? It's hard to answer your question because it could be either way but there is usually something in those feelings we get. Try and think of some examples of when you've felt especially doubtful and we'll try and give you our view.


10-02-13, 20:24
No there's nothing specific, I guess the fear is that he's just not 'the one' for me and that I'll end up getting hurt or hurting him.
Also he lives a 1hr 30 mins train journey away so I guess there's that fear of a long distance relationship which comes with added strain.