View Full Version : help please :(

10-02-13, 22:32
urgh where to begin i have been ill nearly 3 months now and i cant cope very well my symptoms are and theres lots which dont seem to fit in with anything head pressure face pressure in eyes nose some strangehard lump growing in nostril :s jaw clicking neck clicking and stiffness body aches all over body twitching dizzyness off balance feeling constant brain fog/feeling of passing out tired limbs etc :( so fed up i just want to get better anyone out there have any idea sorry bout spelling im not the best with computers thanks

Daisy Sue
10-02-13, 23:10
hi there.. i just briefly read back some of your earlier posts.. looks like you've been suffering with sinus & other problems for over a month now! maybe it would be an idea to ask your GP to refer you to an ENT specialist? a lot of your symptoms sound connected to ear/throat/sinus issues, and if you've had that many courses of antibiotics, and given it all this time & it's still not cleared, i would say it's probably time to get a more professional opinion.

10-02-13, 23:30
Hey thanks for the reply i have indeed saw an ent specialist and had the camera up my nose and he said my sinuses were clear so im at an absolute loss now :/ thanks for your time

10-02-13, 23:33
A couple of weeks ago, I had every symptom you mentioned above, my eyes hurt, I ached etc, etc. My Gp said it was the flu, and the flu can linger for quite some time, also stress, stress can make us feel soooooooooooo bad. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

10-02-13, 23:42
really flu? didnt know flu could last so long and have such a wide effect on the body maybe i could be in some post viral state? did you get better how long was your recovery? and thanks that cheered me up knowing someone else has been through this and knowing it isnt anything drastic just bizzare how flu can cause clicking joints? and yeah stress has had a major role but how much can you blame on stress?lol oh well thanks for the reply i dont know the hug icon but big hugs back to you :) lol

10-02-13, 23:51
I still do not feel 100% and it has been going on for about 3 wks. The best thing for me was sleep. Lots of rest, plenty of fluid. I am not sure how long it can actually last, but I know it can go on for sometime. My eyes don't hurt anymore, but still achy, tired, head feels like bubble, just don't feel quiet right. (not a doc but it could most certainly be viral.) I always have the clicking joints, and to that I blame vitamin D deficient which I am. With every symptom I get I tend to think the worse, but you are not alone, I have had all these symptoms, and still have some.:hugs: