View Full Version : Heart worries....

11-02-13, 00:17
Hi guys, I'm feeling low at the moment and wanted to get some advice / opinions. I suffer with health anxiety however my current symptoms have been going on for so long I think this time it's real...

A little bit about me. I don't drink or smoke tobacco. I am a normal weight however I used to have a poor diet however now I try and eat healthily and be as active as possible. I'm a 29 y/o male.

Back in 2008 I recall that I became breathless. This happened suddenly I recall waking up one morning and walking to the bathroom. I felt breathless. Something didn't feel right. I also experienced fast heart rate, chest tightness and the feeling of not being able to take a deep enough breath. These symptoms ultimately resulted with me attending a&e. I was admitted to hospital where I had a series of blood tests specific to the heart, physical exam, ECG, chest x-ray, echocardiogram and liver and kidney blood tests. All tests came back normal. The dr did say that there was a small amount of fluid around the sack that lined my heart. I was given a diagnosis of post viral fatigue and told to take regular ibuprofen.

I felt relieved and thought "ok I got worked up but everything is fine" I assumed my symptoms would improve but unfortunately they didn't and my health anxiety fear began to raise its ugly head again. I decided to get a second opinion and opted to see a consultant cardiologist. I explained my fears and that dr google told me I was very ill. the cardiologist examined me and agreed that he did not think that my symptoms were related to a cardiac disorder.He agreed that my symptoms were probably post viral.

Hmm end of worry? No. Over the course of several weeks I persuaded him to conduct investigations into my heart which namely comprised of another echocardiogram and an ECG stress test. Again the results were all normal. I felt relieved that there was no evidence of a past heart attack or heart disease.
The dr told me I had performed well on the exercise test and achieve a target heart rate of 94 percent. (13.8 mets)
In the intervening 2 and a half years I felt palps with minimum exertion. However these were occasional and I manged to not get upset about them. In july 2011 I had a return of my fast heart rate and breathlessness with minimum exertion. These symptoms were now accompanied by chest pain that was constant throughout the day. The pain moved from my upper left beast, my left side and shoulder blade. The pain would also radiate to my jaw and left arm. I also had pains in my left leg. I began to panic and thought blood clot or heart disease. I decided to visit my cardiologist again. He examined and performed an ecg, my cardiologist thought I was suffering from post viral symptoms again. He said he could not hear any fluid around my heart and stated that considering I had a negative stress test and echo that it was highly unlikely that I had developed a new cardiac disorder. Ok I felt reassured for abit however the pain got worse. So about a month or so later I went back to my cardiologist who said that he still didn't think my problem was heart related however he wanted me to have a chest x-ray, cardiac MRI and some more blood tests. These have also come back normal. My symptoms persisted, feeling scared one evening i went to a & e and told the drs there my story and current symptoms. They did some blood tests and a resting ecg. All were clear and thet basically told me to go away. In jan 2012 i also had another exercise ecg which was negative. Since this I have visited my cardiologost again and he seems to think that my symptoms are not related to any heart problem and said that he is 99 percent sure my symptoms are not due to a medical problem. He then said he only ordered the chest X-ray, mri and bloods to rule out possible problems. On our last meeting he reviewed my negative tests with me (heart echo and exercise ECG from 2008). He didn't even examine me and suggested that I start citalopram again. I have not disclosed to him that I have health anxiety but he is beginning to see the cracks. I do trust my cardiologist but I fear that in the intervening years between my negative tests with him and now that I may have got heart disease or it was missed last time.

I admit that I am feeling low at the moment but I feel that I am being fobbed off. I feel short of breath walking 50 yards or so. I struggle to walk around holding my baby due to chest pain and shortness if breath. I also am exhausted walking up stairs or hills and get pain around my heart. I feel scared and alone because none of my family know what I'm going through, I feel ashamed that I am a hypochondriac and if I am I'll I will feel weak.

I am apologise for the long post, I just wanted to air my feelings. If I bored anyone im sorry however I'm confident that everyone reading this post will know what I'm going through.

My symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath occur sometimes when I exercise or when I walk up stairs hill. I also get pain and tingling sensations in my right arm. I fear that this is heart disease that has simply been missed. The symptoms are classic heart disease symptoms. Does anyone else get this?

I hope everyone feels better soon or remains feeling anxiety free.

Daisy Sue
11-02-13, 00:52
hi shsm :) at the risk of opening up a whole new avenue of concern, i just wondered if you'd ever had, or considered that you might have, acid reflux/digestive problems? or even asthma/chest issues?

i would think, with all the heart tests and reassurance you've had from the heart specialist, you can probably relax with regard to your symptoms being cardio related.

and as always, anxiety could purely be the culprit behind it all. but i think in your position, i'd be checking out the stomach & chest possibilities before putting it down to anxiety.

11-02-13, 03:07
With the amount of test that you had done, I could assure you that if you were to die of something, it won't be of a Heart related condition. It's impossible for so many tests to yield false negatives. There are lots of other things that can, and will cause chest pain, for once stress does it, it also makes your heart beat faster. Also if you fear that as you are exercising you will get chest pain, then, even the slightest chest pain will indeed be maximized as your nervous system has all of its attention focused on that area, and will register even the slightest pain, that you wouldn't otherwise notice. I've acid reflux, and reflux, and it can mimic a heck of a lot heart problems, the thing is that reflux is also aggravated by stress and anxiety, so the worse you anxiety, the worse you reflux, and it is a vicious circle. You just got to get it through your mind that it isn't your heart. Accept the pain, yes it's annoying, it's uncomfortable, it's nerve wrecking, but it is part of your life, so accept it as it is, and try to live your life to the fullest, do not let it hinder your quality of life. You'll see that sooner or later it will go away.