View Full Version : Something strange is going on..

11-02-13, 04:35
Something really weird is going on, and I'm finding it hard to explain..

The only time I experienced this was four months ago, a bit after quitting Marijuana.. I would feel 'drunk/stoned' without actually being under the influence, My vision goes a bit funny and I feel like in a bubble ? In my own world/ kind of dream state.. When I looked in the mirror I couldn't recognize myself, and was telling my mum "IT'S NOT ME IN THE MIRROR", This freaked her out to say the least. So When I first experienced this, I just shrugged it off as my brain's chemicals getting rid of the THC or some what.. and it dissapeared.

Anyway.. this happened last night, I was very tired sitting in bed with my Girlfriend, then all of sudden I went in that little world. and everything I was saying to her or she was saying to me, Didn't feel 'real' ?? I don't even know how to explain it.. My girlfriend then told me she experienced the same thing from time to time.. and it caused a Panic attack in her in the past.

So all while we were talking.. I started panicking, going really hot, and getting a rapid heart beat. and It felt like I would be stuck in that 'world'.. and It was really starting to scare me. It felt like I was on a bad trip on drugs with being sober! I don't know how else to explain it.
I then fear It's the start of some mental disorder like Schizophrenia ??

Has anyone experienced something like this ? I'm glad my girlfriend understands me, But I'm afraid to bring this up with a professional incase I get chucked into a mental home lol.

11-02-13, 11:25
sounds very much like depersonlisation/derealisation very common with anxiety its the brains way of dealing with too much going on google it for more information

its completley harmless btw i get it too

11-02-13, 11:38
Omg, thankyou!

I googled depersonalization, and that's exactly what it sounds like.

It's really strange now. The more I sit and read about it and think about it.. I go into that little world again.. It's really freaky.

Glad to know it is harmless though. :yesyes:

15-02-13, 09:50
no worries

ive had this on and off for a while now and its pretty anoying when out in public and all of a sudden you feel as if everything feels dreamy and everybody around you feels distant like theres a bubble around you then you get dizzy and start panicing etc

its very hard to explain to people they just say huh?

i took a diazapan once when this happened made the sapaced feeling worse lol

15-02-13, 20:27
Another possibility is this could be migraine related (even if you don't get aura or a headache). Sometimes when I get a migraine starting I can feel quite odd like this, as you say it is so hard to explain. The prodrome part of this article lists some of the symptoms: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migraine#Prodrome_phase

I would imagine it's something quite harmless but of course the panic/worry is what makes it seem so much worse. Try relaxation stuff next time it happens (breathing etc).

15-02-13, 20:31
I too was going to suggest migraine related. I get migraines without pain and it takes the form of really scary tunnel vision.

15-02-13, 21:14
I get this all the time. Its pretty common in anxiety sufferers. I read about it in my health anxiety book!