View Full Version : Sick with panic!!

11-02-13, 07:57
Feel so panicky right now I feel physically sick, can't seem to get out of it, have 3 kids to get sorted soon and I really don't know how I'm going to do it. Feel like there's no way out for me, feel like this is going to be me forever and how am I meant to cope if it is. Almost just want to take myself to hospital and stay there.
This is my 4th day on citalopram 20mg.

Just needed to write this all down, helps in a way.
Thanks for reading
Paula xx

11-02-13, 08:12
Hi Hun

Keep going don't give me on the Meds it's defo the Citalopram, did you go from 20 to 40? Might want to speak to the Doc to reduce to 30 a more gradual increase. It WILL get better Hun:)

Jackie x

11-02-13, 08:45
:welcome: I know it's hard but try deep breathing in for 4 and out through your nose for 4. It's not an instant fix but the more you practise the better you will feel re your meds keep with them. I am on Prozac and every time they increase my meds my anxiety increases. If your like me the mornings the worst. Go back to your doc and ask him for diaziapam for a couple of weeks just until the cit. gets into your system. That's what helped me with the side effects.:hugs:

11-02-13, 09:21
Thanks so much guys, cried for the first there in a long time in front of my hubby's uncle, never ever done anything like that before which makes me think I'm defo loosing it, I really don't feel like a responsible enough mum to look after my babies, they deserve so much more than this zombie Iv become, is it normal to feel this bad going from 10 to 20 mg? Is it normal to feel like there's no hope of ever feeling like I used to, is the old me gone forever??
Paula xx

11-02-13, 11:10
Hi Paula, I've been on Citalopram for 3 weeks now - first week at 10mg and then up to 20mg. When I went from 10 to 20 my anxiety went through the roof. Like Charlie, mornings were and still are the worst.

I am not right now but am much calmer than I was. Like you I do wonder "is this is good as it's going to get?" but from reading the other posts and success stories on here I know that there is life after anxiety and panic.

Don't give up - you will be able to cope again and the old you is in there, she's just buried under a lot of horrible symptoms! :hugs:

11-02-13, 13:33
I've got kids and before I had my children, I didn't really know much about panic attacks , anxiety and agrophobia! Well do now and it's horrendous and the guilt of being housebound and having kids makes me think, if I'd have known later in life that, I would possibly end up like this, would it be worth having my kids? Some might think that's a bit of a negative comment but, It's the guilt - its a killer and because I used to be a go getting mum do everything , every after school club And I worked so could buy them decent stuff and provide a good standard of living etc ANYWAY NOW, I just about manage to drop my daughter off to her school and then my son to his nursery 2 days a week! It's soul destroying. As a safety aspect it can be dangerous out and about disorientated mid way through an attack with a toddler/preschooler! Thank god my daughter is old enough to sometimes help! I know why/what and whom my mental state is down to and on my stats! I can relate, here to chat anytime.:flowers: