View Full Version : Hunger - Help?

11-02-13, 11:34
A day or so ago I was too tired to eat, so I had skipped meals which I never do and four days ago I cut out junk food and I am used to eating quite a bit of it. However yesterday I had my three meals, no snacks though, which I usually have as no healthy ones. I had breakfast, and dinner quite late as was busy.. only had a small tin of spaghetti then I had Sunday dinner .. I went to bed slightly hungry but not majorly. I woke up at 3 am feeling quite sick, but it felt like hunger sickness. I fell back asleep and woke up this morning feeling the same.. so I had four sachets of porridge.. and then begun feeling the "hunger" feeling again at round 11 ish so I have just had two yoghurts.. but its still there.. I am Emetophobic and beginning to panic now :'( please can someone reassure me.. has anyone felt hunger sickness this long before?? Will I be ok? I pray I will be ok. I am so afraid now especially with the fact I've ate so much to try get rid of it.. help ! Xx

12-02-13, 07:51
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I can assure you though that you're definitely not alone in feeling that way. I go through cycles like that where not eating feeds the ill feelings and then I don't eat and just make it worse. I'm sure you're just hungry and your body is still figuring that out. It's a terrible feeling, but I've found that regularly eating small meals and snacks until it subsides helps and gets me back on track again.