View Full Version : Gravity pull?weigh a ton?

11-02-13, 13:51
Hi all,i have been ill with the flu recently and spent 5 days in bed,all the flu symptoms have just about gone apart from coughing,but i have been left with a feeling like my body is being pulled down to the ground like my body has a massive weight on it,i am also quite exhausted and a bit teary(dont know why)but this weight thing is worrying me sick...thanks for reading any help would be great:)Andrew.

Brazil Bill
11-02-13, 15:40
Hi Puppyskin - sounds like a classic case of post-viral fatigue to me. I get this every time I've had a nasty cold or flu and is simply your body being worn out from fighting the infection (which it has done admirably already by the sound of it - and that cough will go too in time). The low/emotional mood are all tied in to this and it will pass. Your immune system has been working brilliantly to get rid of the flu, but your blood sugars and electolytes will always take a bit longer to get back - try and relax and take it easy whilst you're feeling tired. Don't overdo it and above all - what you are feeling is normal and extremely common. May even be another week before you feel back to your normal strength.

11-02-13, 19:36
Hi Bill,i was thinking something along those lines but i have had viruses before and never felt so ill,also my pulse is a lot slower than normal could this be related?thanks for your reply...oh and i have spells where i feel much better then go downhill again,i just hate this ill feeling grrrrr..thanks again.

Brazil Bill
12-02-13, 13:22
It sounds all too familiar puppyskin...it was actually a 'genuine' dose of flu many years ago (too many to mention) that triggered my initial HA and even now, when I get a cold, it always puts me in a state of high anxiety. This is a double whammy because not only does it mean I'm physically tired/heavy from the previous infection, even though it's gone, but I make it worse by becoming mentally depressed too. Depression takes a lot of forms and feeling lethargic, disconnected and anxious are only some of the treats on offer - for those of us who are prone to this kind of thing, recovering from a virus is commonly a trigger to make us fixate on the low, heavy, lifeless way we feel. I'm like you - most bugs I get over leave me just fine (other than the normal anxieties lol) but once in a while a flu or cold will floor me and leave me feeling weak for ages afterwards. It will pass, and the better/worse/better/worse thing is also quite normal.