View Full Version : I really need some help!!

11-02-13, 16:34
My derealisation has got so bad, I just don't know what to do. Its worse than its ever been before. I'm convinced I and everything around me is not real. I don't feel safe I'm so scared. I've already had one panic attack today where I feel like I'm in a dream. I'm scared I can't stop crying. I feel like its the end for me and its going to kill me. I can't believe I will get over this!! What should I do, who should I go to to get some help. I've been to my Dr he gave me citalopram but it doesn't seem to help me anymore. I'm going crazy I must be.
Any advice would be very appreciated.
Hannah x

Daisy Sue
11-02-13, 16:53
you're not going crazy, you're just suffering with a condition right now - and that can be overcome. don't think this phase is how your life is going to be forever, it isn't.

if you feel you need one to one help right now, this is the Anxiety Helpline number - 0844 477 5774. you're not alone.. ((hugs))

11-02-13, 17:03
Hi Hannah, I know EXACTLY how your feeling right now, I had my biggest panic attack because of what your feeling, woke up n I just cudnt accept that I wasn't still dreaming, I really really thought I was in a dream, it freaked me out so much, that was a few years ago n with the help of citalopram I felt better again, but last few months all of the detached feelings are back and now and then I will freak out thinking I'm dreaming. When I start to panic about it I usually go on my fone, come on this site n just write a post or reply to someone else's or even just sit and nosey thru The Internet. It will pass its just another thought ur anxious mind is playing on because it scares you.
Paula xx

Granny Primark
11-02-13, 17:05
I used to continually have them.
I so sympathise but I really dont know what you can do.
Trust me they will go away.
I suggest that you give the anxiety helpline a call. Just knowing someone is there is a comfort.
Big hugs xxxx