View Full Version : overly tired all the time

11-02-13, 19:25
so I've been getting this for the best part of a week, i sleep a lot anyway but I've been taking naps in the afternoon because i always feel stupidly tired, i have GAD but I'm not on any medication, does anyone else get this??

its like i feel like i can't do anything and i just curl up in bed, i feel like I'm wasting most of the day!

11-02-13, 19:28
how are u feeling in general? changes in sleeping patterns can be linked with depression, I know when I'm feeling emotionally bad I feel like i need to sleep constantly! But it might just be the weather! people can get seasonal affective disorder because the lack of sunlight confuses our body clocks!

11-02-13, 19:32
thanks for replying :) well I've been getting out of a down at the moment as well so i doubt that helps, and my anxiety bothers me constantly... its been happening even when I'm sleeping fine, but last night i did wake up a good 5 or more times with a bit of panic..just unsure of what it is at the moment

11-02-13, 19:38
yeah all the time! Zero energy or my energy runs out super fast all the time. I've had anxiety for years but it's only this year I seemed to have lost my energy.
I have really improved my diet but not yet noticed an increase in energy.
I wouldn't worry too much, it could be worth getting some blood work n get your iron and b12 levels checked : )

eternally optimistic
11-02-13, 19:42
Yeah, I used to be exhausted all the time.

This symptom hampered me for years until I realised, after a break down, that I was physically exhausted from nervous anxiety.

The fact you have recognised your symptom early, assuming it is related to your anxiety, then you can deal with it.

If it continues, it might be worth visiting the Doc just to see if they think this is related.


11-02-13, 20:32
thank you both :) i should probably improve my diet, thanks to the anxiety bothering me i have lost my appetite and I'm not drinking nearly as much as i should be..i'll try and get to the doctors next week when i see my counsellor. its such a weird feeling, i googled what it could be which was a bad idea as it came up with all sorts of horrible things, but some said its related to anxiety too

---------- Post added at 20:32 ---------- Previous post was at 19:46 ----------

ah at the moment I'm feeling really fuzzy headed, like theres a load of pressure on the top of my head, is this just fatigue? is it because i did dent sleep much last night, really worrying now