View Full Version : Cracking and creaking bones

11-02-13, 22:23
I don't know if this is normal although the doctors says it is normal for joints to click. My mind says differently, my mind thinks that the doctors fobbing me off as I was only in his room for 2 minutes literally and he was like "It's normal for bones to click, anything else I can help you with"

It's really getting to me though whatever joint i move i hear a crack, click or snap like some of them are even grinding together (e.g my collarbone) and also my throat bone/adams apple seems to click over my windpipe when pushed.

My question for some reassurance is, is it actually normal to have a clicking body where everything clicks during movement. It's driving me insane i just want somebody to shoot me now, I mean i'm only 20 but i feel like a crippled old man or becoming one prematurely. Is it normal guys? And thanks for taking your time to read my post.

Bozzi :)

11-02-13, 22:42
Hi,it sounds normal,it can come from muscle tension my neck is always clicking,just try relaxing anxiety can make you feel very old indeed..

11-02-13, 22:51
I think it maybe due to tension and I hope it is whats causing clicking
Thanks puppyskin :)

12-02-13, 01:20
Wow, I thought I was the only one.

Im only 22, and I feel like I have the bones of a 60 year old haha.
Mostly my shoulders always pop, and when I shake peoples hand my fingers crack!
I avoid bending down because my knees always crack.

But I put this down to being a Graphic Designer, always behind a computer.. So I've started a bit more exercise, hopefully it solves the problem!

12-02-13, 01:30
well my neck/throat does the same thing, also my chest bones crack which just seems weird to me!

12-02-13, 01:36
I'm glad to know i'm not the only one with this 'problem' so i will assume its rarther normal i guess...

Anxious gal my chest bone clicks too the sternum literally pops its freaky but wow I havn't met anyone who has that especially. When i stretch my arms behind me and expand the chest it usually pops its quite relieving though but always gets me wondering damn.. am I causing damage here haha

Cheers for the replys,

12-02-13, 16:25
I crack in almost every joint I am hypermobile in most joints so put it down to that x

14-02-13, 11:35
I'm 33 and last six mths everything cracks. My neck sounds like rice crispies and it freaks me out big time