View Full Version : Worried not stomach flu

12-02-13, 01:32
I've been sick since Wed-started vomiting each hour along with watery diarrhea . The vomiting resolved the next am but I'm going on day 7 of being so weak, zero appetite and yellow diarrhea.

I've had pancreatits for 4 yrs -mild and dad died of pc. I recently had a scope and MRI and it was totally norm

However I'm getting very worried something serious is going on. I didn't think the stomach flu lasted this long - I'm so weak no appetite and the yellow d scares me

12-02-13, 11:31
My brother in law recently had a stomach bug lasting nearly 4 weeks. If it is lasting a while though it is always best to get checked out.

12-02-13, 14:45
If it lasts longer than a week then take a sample to your dr to get tested for any of the food poisoning and other bugs they can detect. As you have mild chronic pancreastis your Dr can also do bloods to check if your levels have got worse or not.

I once had a stomach bug as did my husband that gave bright yellow paste like bowel movement for over a week with flu symptoms, worse one I have ever had. Two weeks before we could leave the house at all.

12-02-13, 14:50
Thanks guys I'm on day 7 now. Keep worrying its cancer. You've made me feel better as I didn't know the bug could last so long Also oddly hub and baby didn't get it but thankfully

12-02-13, 14:57

My dad recently had a stomach bug that lasted nearly two weeks, he went to the doctor and they said it was gastroenteritis but did sample just to make sure a specific bacteria wasn't causing it.

Definately go to the doctors and get a stool sample done in case you do have a bacterial infection an need some antibiotics but it doesn't sound like anything other than a really nasty tummy bug.

12-02-13, 15:06
My brother in law ended up needing antibiotics for it.

12-02-13, 17:07
Thank you, was it totally watery D? Its freaking me out it could be cancer or something, especially given my gi history

12-02-13, 17:13
My brother in law said it was just like water, even drinks were just going straight through him. I suggest you just stick to water and fruit or chamomile teas and then start with the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, applesauce, dry toast) My brother in law made his worse by eating the worst thing he could...ice cream! keep of dairy foods for a couple of days after the diarrhea has stopped too.

12-02-13, 18:24
I've just remembered something actually I had a really nasty bug back in the summer, it only lasted a few days but the bug was so bad I ended up passing blood and mucus (sorry tmi).

I rang the emergency doctor as it was over the weekend and I was scared stupid, anyway he told me to drink lots of fluids but not water as it just flushes everthing through he said I should get those rehydration sachets as your body needs to replace the salts it loses through the diarrohea. Anyway I said I couldn't take them as they make my physically stick so he said to drink squash or something that had a bit of sugar in it and try and take in some salt he also said as Annie did steer well clear of anything dairy until a good few days after it settles.

12-02-13, 23:18
Btw the diarrhea is yellow which is making me more scared. At Er now. It's unusual nobody in my house got this too. Sounds like theysy scan my pancreas:( Scared since my dad died of pan can

13-02-13, 00:11
Hi There I can really understand your worry and concern, my son had the yellow runny diarrhoea for nearly 3wks and on a few occasions blood was present.I was really worried, the doctor did say it can take a few weeks for some nasty viruses to go, he sent my son to go for a blood test which was fine thankfully.Its probably yellow just like when your stomach is empty and you bring up bile that's bright yellow.If your still really concerned see your gp.:)


13-02-13, 04:02
Thank you. Sorry for the tmi but it's almost like pure water coming out. They even gave me pills to stop the d and it doesn't work. They are going to test for bacteria. Just scared this is serious or a life threatening illness